Jumat, 16 September 2016



The best collection Christian name meaning for you

Aaris Female 1 Tim. 6:12 mighty in the faith
Abalean Female Psalms 16:8 of resolute firmness
Abbas Male Isaiah 9:6 the Lord is my father
Abbott Female Matt. 16:27 father
Abbra Female Isaiah 12:2 the exalted one
Abe Male Psalm 92:1 exalted father
Abel Male Gen. 4:2 breath; meadow
Abihail Female 1 Chron. 2:29 father's joy
Abijah Female Isaiah 12:2 Jehovah is my Father
Abishai Female 1 Sam. 26:6 present of my father
Abner Male 1 Sam. 14:50 father of light
Abraham Male Gen.17:5 father of many nations
Abrana Female Isaiah 12:2 Father is exalted
Absolom Male 1 Kings 15:2 father of peace
Adah Female Gen. 4:19 an assembly
Adam Male Gen. 3:17 man, or mankind
Adonijah Male 2 Sam. 3:4 the Lord is my God
Adriel Female 1 Sam. 18:19 the flock of God
Ahulani Female Psalms 121:1-2 a heavenly shrine
Amaziah Male 2 Kings 12:21 the strength of the Lord
Amos Male Amos 1:1 burdened, troubled
Andrew Male Matt. 4:18 manly
Angela Female Gen. 16:7 heavenly messenger
Anna Female Luke 2:36 gracious; one who gives
Aquila Male Acts 18:2 an eagle
Ariel Female Ezra 8:16 light or lion of God
Asa Male 1 Kings 15:9 physician; healer
Asaph Male 1 Chron. 6:39 the one chosen by God
Asher Male Gen. 30:13 happy; blessed
Ashton Male Gen. 12:8 eastern town
Atarah Female 1 Chron. 2:26 a crown
Azariah Male 1 Kings 4:2 the Lord sustains me
Bama Female 1 Kings 3:7 child
Barak Male Judges 4:6 lightning bolt
Barnabas Male Acts 4:36 son of the missionary
Bart Male 1 Corin. 1:11 son of TalmaĆ­
Baruka Female 1 Sam. 25:3 blessed
Basemat Female 1 Chron. 2:29 balm
Basia Female 1 Sam. 26:6 daughter of God
Bathsheba Female Gen. 4:19 daughter of the oath
Becca Female Gen. 16:7 tied, bound
Benaiah Male 2 Sam. 8:18 son of my right hand
Benjamin Male Gen. 35:18 son of the my hand
Bethany Female Matt. 21:17 the house of song
Bethel Female Gen. 12:8 the house of God
Beulah Female Isaiah 62:4 married
Bilhah Female Gen. 29:29 who is old or confused
Billy Male Judges 16:4 determined guardian
Boaz Male Ruth 2:1 swift; strong
Bradley Male Acts 19:27 broad meadow
Cain Male Gen. 4:1 spear; gatherer
Caleb Male Numb. 13:6 faithful dog
Calliope Female Ezra 8:16 beautiful voice
Callum Male Acts 9:36 dove
Calypso Female 1 Chron. 2:26 one who conceals
Canda Female 2 Sam. 11:3 glittering & white
Candace Female Acts 8:27 possesses contrition
Candice Female Matt. 21:17 glittering white
Carmelo Male Acts 24:24 vineyard, garden
Charity Female 1 Corin. 13:1-13 dear
Charles Male Gen. 2:8 farmer
Chloe Female 1 Corin. 1:11 green herb
Christian Male Acts 11:26 follower of Christ
Christopher Male Gen. 2:8 Christ-bearer
Claudia Female 2 Tim. 4:21 lame
Cornelius Male Acts 10:1 horn-colored
Dalmacia Female Acts 8:27 native of Dalmatia
Damaris Female Acts 17:34 a little woman
Dan Male Gen. 14:14 God is my judge
Dayana Female Joshua 12:22 divine
Deborah Female Judges 4:4 bumblebee
Decia Female Judges 4:4 tenth child
Delilah Female Judges 16:4 head of hair
Demetrius Male Acts 19:24 lover of the earth
Diana Female Acts 19:27 luminous, perfect
Dorcas Female Acts 9:36 female roe-deer
Drusilla Female Acts 24:24 watered by the dew
Dylan Male Esther 2:7 of the sea

Ebe Female Judges 16:4 youthful like a flower
Ebenezer Male 1 Sam. 4:01 foundation stone
Eboney Female Acts 19:27 rich and dark wood
Ebony Female Gen. 30:21 black
Edelia Female Acts 24:24 always young
Eden Female Gen. 2:8 pleasure; delight
Edga Female Gen. 2:8 shield bearer
Efrem Male Gen. 3:20 fruitful
Elan Male 1 Corin. 13:13 tree
Eleazar Male Exod. 6:25 God has helped me
Eli Male 1 Sam. 1:3 uplifted
Elijah Male 1 Kings 17:1 a the Lord is my God
Eliott Male Gen. 16:1 the Lord in my God
Eliphaz Male Gen. 36:4 the endeavor of God
Elisha Female Luke 1:5 salvation of God
Eliya Male 1 Sam. 1:2 God is my Lord
Elkanah Male Exod. 6:24 God is jealous
Elnathan Male 2 Kings 24:8 the gift of God
Emmanuel Male Isaiah 7:14 God is with us
Esau Male Gen. 25:25 rough; hairy
Esdras Male Exod. 28:20 helper, strong
Esther Female Esther 2:7 secret; hidden
Ethan Male 1 Kings 4:31 strong; firm
Eunice Female 2 Tim. 1:5 good victory
Eva Female Gen. 3:20 living; enlivening
Ewan Male Provbs. 20:15 born to nobility
Ezekiel Male Ezekiel 1:3 the strength of God
Ezra Male Ezra 7:1 helper; strong
Faith Female 1 Corin. 13:13 loyalty
Fantasia Female Luke 1:5 imagination
Febe Female Esther 2:7 shining
Fedra Female 2 Tim. 1:5 splendid one
Feodora Female Gen. 3:20 gift of God
Fidias Male Hebrews 1:9 unhurried, calm
Filandra Female 1 Corin. 13:13 loves humankind
Filemona Female Prov. 3:34 a love song; loved one
Filia Female Esther 2:7 friend
Finley Male Rom. 16:15 blond-haired soldier
Frederick Male Gen. 25:1 peaceful ruler
Gabriel Male Daniel 9:21 devoted to God
Gaea Female Gen. 16:1 planet Earth
Galatea Female Psalms 25:21 calm; like the sea
Galen Female Exod. 28:20 healer; calm
Garland Female Exod. 6:20 wreath of flowers
Gera Male Gen. 46:21 combat; dispute
Geremia Male Matt. 27:56 exalted by God
Gershon Male Gen. 46:11 banished to exile
Gideon Male Judges 6:11 tree cutter
Goliath Male Matt. 1:16 exalted one
Grace Female Prov. 3:34 favor; blessing
Habakkuk Male Hebrews 1:1 he that embraces
Habiba Female Heb. 1:9 beloved
Hadassah Female Esther 2:7 a myrtle; joy
Hadia Female Rom. 16:15 one who guides
Hafsah Female 2 Tim. 1:5 wife of the Prophet
Hagar Female Gen. 16:1 one that fears
Haggai Male Ezra 5:1 feast; solemnity
Halimah Female Matt. 27:56 gentle; patient
Harrison Male Acts 27:5 son of Harry
Harvey Male Ruth 1:2 army warrior
Henry Male Gen. 8:11 ruler of the household
Hershel Male Judges 6:11 deer
Hiram Male Judges 6:11 noblest; most exalted
Honey Female Psalms 19:10 nectar
Hope Female Psalms 25:21 expectation; belief
Hosea Male Hosea 1:1 salvation
Huldah Female 2 Kings 22:14 the world
Hur Male Exod. 17:10 liberty; whiteness
Hyrum Male Acts 13:9 noblest, exalted
Ichabod Male Acts 18:2 glory is gone
Idara Female Exod. 15:23 well-organized woman
Idolina Female Luke 10:38 idol
Idumea Female Matt. 1:16 red in color
Ignacia Female Gen. 43:14 fiery, ardent
Ike Male Acts 18:2 he will laugh
Imogen Female Exod. 15:20 image, likeness
Ira Male 2 Sam. 20:26 watchful
Isaiah Male 2 Kings 19:2 God is my salvation
Ishmael Male Gen. 16:11 God will hear us
Israel Male Song of Sol. 2:1 prince of God
Issachar Male Gen. 30:18 reward; recompense
Ithamar Male Exod. 6:23 island of palms
Izak Male Exod. 28:17 he who laughs

Jabel Female Acts 27:5 flowing stream
Jabez Male 1 Chron. 2:55 sorrow; trouble
Jack Male Acts 5:1 supplanter or substitute
Jacob Female Ruth 1:2 supplanter
Jacquette Female Jerem. 32:12 God is gracious
Jad Male Gen. 17:15 God has heard us
Jada Female Gen. 8:11 wise; also Jade
Jael Female Judges 6:11 mountain goat; climber
Jaela Female Judges 6:11 mountain goat, climber
Jaffa Female Ruth 1:4 beautiful
Jair Male Numb. 32:41 God enlightens
Japheth Male Gen. 5:32 handsome
Jared Male Exod. 1:15 descending
Jason Male Acts 17:5 healer
Javan Male Gen. 10:2 son of Japheth
Jazael Male Acts 9:36 perceives God
Jed Male Mark 5:41 friend of God
Jemimah Female Job 42:14 handsome as the day
Jeremiah Male 2 Chron. 36:12 God will uplift
Jeriah Male Numb. 33:27 Jehovah has seen
Jesse Male 1 Sam. 16:1 wealthy
Jethro Male Exod. 3:1 abundant
Jewel Female Prov. 20:15 delight
Joab Male 1 Sam. 26:6 God is father
Joanna Female Luke 8:3 grace or gift of the Lord
Joash Male Judg. 6:11 one who despairs
Job Male Job 1:1 afflicted; one who weeps
Jochebed Female Exod. 6:20 glorious; honorable
Joe Male Exod. 2:21 God will add
Joel Male 1 Sam. 8:2 God is willing
Jorey Male Isaiah 12:2 God is exalted
Joseph Male Gen. 30:24 God will increase
Joses Male Matt. 27:56 raised; who pardons
Josiah Male 1 Kings 13:2 fire of the Lord
Jotham Male Judg. 9:5 king of Judah
Joy Female Heb. 1:9 happiness
Judah Male Psalm 9:1 praised
Julia Female Rom. 16:15 soft and tender hair
Justus Male Acts 1:23 just
Kacia Female Acts 18:2 thorny
Kae Female Acts 18:2 rejoicer, merry
Kaferine Female Gen. 29:6 pure
Kaia Female Gen. 22:23 earth
Kaira Female Acts 12:13 opportunity
Kaisa Female Exod. 28:17 a cinnamon-like spice
Kala Female Ruth 1:4 beauty
Kaleb Male Psalm 118:21 doggedly faithful
Kalida Female Acts 5:1 most beautiful
Kayron Male Matt. 5:8 one of purity
Kedrick Male Psalm 118:14 holy
Keturah Female Gen. 25:1 incense; fragrance
Kevin Male Ephes. 4:32 one of kindness
Khalil Male John 15:14 good friend
Laban Male Gen. 24:29 white in appearance
Laia Female Psalms 3:2 dark beauty; night
Laica Female Gen. 46:17 pure; secular
Lais Female 1 Chron. 5:16 friendly with everyone
Lantha Female Joshua 18:8 purple flower
Laodamia Female Exod. 1:15 leads her community
Laodicea Female Luke 8:3 fairness; just
Lara Female Luke shining or famous
Larina Female Gen. 38:6 sea gull
Lawrence Male 1 Corin. 15:57 victorious one
Leah Female Gen. 29:16 weary; tired
Leo Male Isaiah 12:2 lion
Lev Male Psalm 27:1 one of youthful strength
Levi Male Gen. 29:34 joined in harmony
Lian Male Psalm 18:2 an alliance with God
Lionel Male Provbs. 28:12 little lion
Lois Female 2 Tim. 1:5 better
Lot Male Gen. 11:27 hidden, covered
Lydia Female Acts 16:14 a standing pool
Macall Male 1 Tim. 6:12 strong in the faith
Macaria Female Gen. 38:6 happiness bliss
Mackenzie Male Matt. 5:16 radiant one
Macon Male Psalm 62:7 one of strength
Macrina Female Num. 26:33 she who grows
Madalynn Female Deut. 20:4 high tower
Magdalene Female Matt. 27:56 person from Magdala
Magruder Male 2 Tim. 4:5 watchful one
Malachi Male Mala. 1:1 angel of God
Marcus Male Acts 12:12 martial; warlike
Mark Male Acts 12:12 martial, warlike
Mary Female Matt. 1:16 sea of bitterness
Matthew Male Matt. 9:9 given; a reward
Max Male 1 Corin. 13:13 greatest
Merry Female Job 21:12 joyful, lighthearted
Meshach Male Daniel 12:3 artist
Morgan Male Psalm 139:14 sea warrior
Moses Male Exod. 2:10 taken out of the water
Myra Female Acts 27:5 pour out; weep

Nabor Male Provbs. 20:15 the prophet's light
Nacha Female Psalms 16:8 fiery & ardent
Nadiv Male Psalm 13:6 generous & noble
Nahum Male Nahum 1:1 comforter; penitent
Naomi Female Ruth 1:2 beautiful; agreeable
Napea Female Matt. 16:27 from the valleys
Narda Female Isaiah 12:2 fervently devoted
Natalie Female Isaiah 12:2 born on Christmas day
Nehemiah Male Nehem. 1:1 compassion of Jehovah
Nekoda Male Ezra 2:48 painted; inconstant
Nicodemus Male John 3:1 conqueror of the people
Nima Male Psalm 119:2 thread; blessing
Noah Male Gen. 5:29 peaceful; restful
Norwood Male Ephes. 6:16 guardian; protector
Obadiah Male 1 Kings 18:3 servant of God
Odus Male Psalm 118:21 diligent to listen
Olaf Male Isaiah 26:3 pine tree
Olalla Female Gen. 4:19 sweetly spoken
Olaya Female 1 Chron. 11:42 she who speaks well
Olesia Female 1 Sam. 18:19 defender of mankind
Olive Female Gen. 8:11 olive tree
Olympia Female Gen. 16:7 heavenly
Omar Male Gen. 36:11 highest
Omega Female Ezra 8:16 last, final, end
Onyx Female 1 Chron. 2:26 onyx stone
Ophelia Female 2 Sam. 11:3 helper
Oprah Female Judges 6:11 a fawn
Orea Female Matt. 21:17 mountain
Orpah Female Ruth 1:4 the neck or skull
Osbert Male Matt. 5:16 of Godly brightness
Othniel Male Joshua 15:17 lion of the Lord
Owen Male Psalm 29:1 mighty warrior
Ozias Male Psalm 18:32 God's strength
Pacomia Female Gen. 12:8 large woman
Palaciada Female Isaiah 62:4 mansion
Pallas Female Acts 8:27 wise
Palmela Female 1 Corin. 13:1-13 honey
Palti Male 2 Chron. 29:11 God liberates
Pancracia Female 2 Tim. 4:21 all-powerful
Panfila Female Judges 4:4 friend of all
Pansofia Female Judges 16:4 wise; knowledgeable
Pansy Female Acts 19:27 flower; fragrant
Paul Male Acts 13:9 small
Paula Female Acts 13:9 small; little
Peter Male Matt. 4:18 stone
Philemon Male Philip. 1:2 loving
Philip Male Matt. 10:3 lover of horses
Phineas Male Exodus 6:25 oracle
Phoebe Female Rom. 16:1 shining; pure
Pilan Male Psalm 96:4 dark-skinned
Priscilla Female Acts 18:2 ancient
Quasi Male Psalm 139:14 special child
Quentin Male Job 5:8 fifth in order
Queta Female Gen. 30:21 fifth-born daughter
Quinella Female Acts 9:36 fifth-born; queen's lawn
Quintilia Female Luke 1:5 born in the fifth month
Quirina Female Esther 2:7 carries the lance
Quirita Female 2 Tim. 1:5 citizen
Quiterie Female Gen. 3:20 tranquil
Randal Male Psalm 62:7 protector
Ransay Male 1 Peter 2:9 royal nobility
Ransom Male Isaiah 53:6 redemption
Raphaela Female Gen. 3:20 healed by God
Rashaad Male 2 Sam. 22:36 noble ruler
Raun Male Psalm 18:35 mighty ruler
Raychel Female Esther 2:7 female sheep
Rayshal Female Psalms 19:10 ewe
Razili Female Psalms 25:21 my secret
Reba Female 2 Kings 22:14 fourth-born child
Rebecca Female Gen. 22:23 tied; bound
Reuben Male Gen. 29:32 behold a son
Rhys Male Psalm 86:12 swift moving stream
Robert Male Hebrews 13:20 famous brilliance
Rockford Male Psalm 18:2 pride in strength
Rose Female SSol. 2:1 a rose
Ruby Female Exod. 28:17 red gemstone
Rufus Male Mark 15:21 redhead
Ruth Female Ruth 1:4 drunk; satisfied
Ryan Male Psalm 16:11 little king
Sabre Male Matt. 11:28 to rest
Sacha Male Hebrews 13:21 helper of mankind
Salonika Female Judges 4:17 seaport in Greece
Samieh Male Psalm 118:21 heard God
Sampson Male Matt. 5:16 like the sun
Samuel Male 1 Sam. 1:20 asked of God
Sandy Female Heb. 1:9 helper of men
Saphire Female Gen. 26:34 blue gemstone
Sarah Female Gen. 17:15 princess of the multitude
Sarai Female Gen. 17:15 my lady; my princess
Saul Male 1 Sam. 9:2 asked for; borrowed
Saula Female Rom. 16:15 desired woman
Sebastian Male Psalm 96:6 one of reverence
Sebastiane Female Gen. 25:1 venerable; revered
Seema Female Gen. 29:16 sky; profile
Selena Female 2 Tim. 1:5 goddess of the moon
Selenia Female Exod. 15:23 in the moonlight
Serah Female Gen. 46:17 song; the morning star
Seraphim Male Philip. 3:14 the ardent of God
Seth Male Gen. 4:25 appointed
Sevon Male 2 Tim. 6:12 victory and protection
Shadrach Male Daniel 1:7 god; god-like
Sharon Female 1 Chron. 5:16 her song
Sheldon Male Philip. 4:8 beautiful thoughts
Shem Male Gen. 5:32 name; reputation
Sherah Female 1 Chron. 7:24 flesh; relationship
Sherman Male Psalm 93:1 shearer of cloth
Sherwin Male John 15:14 a shining friend
Shiloh Female Joshua 18:8 peace; abundance
Shurlan Male Psalm 91:2 from the strong fortress
Silas Male Acts 15:22 forest dweller
Simeon Male Gen. 29:33 he heard
Solomon Male 2 Sam. 5:14 peaceful
Stephen Male Acts 6:5 crowned
Susannah Female Luke lily; rose

Tabitha Female Acts 9:36 clear-sighted
Talitha Female Mark 5:41 young woman
Talor Male Isaiah 61:10 clothed with salvation
Tamar Female Gen. 38:6 date palm tree
Tamara Female Gen. 38:6 palm or date palm tree
Ted Male Psalm 62:7 blessed protector
Tenley Male Psalm 18:35 courageous leader
Terence Male Ephes. 4:32 tenderhearted one
Tesira Female Matt. 1:16 founder
Tess Female Gen. 43:14 essence; substance
Tessa Female Job 21:12 reaper
Thaddea Female Ruth 1:2 courageous
Thadine Female Jerem. 32:12 worthy of praise
Thais Female Gen. 8:11 bond
Thalassa Female Judges 6:11 sea, ocean
Thalea Female Judges 6:11 harvest
Thea Female Rom. 16:1 goddess
Theophilus Male Luke 1:3 loved by God
Thomas Male Matt. 10:3 twin
Timothy Male Acts 16:1 honoring God
Tinsley Male Psalm 125:1 from the hill
Tirzah Female Num. 26:33 benevolent; pleasing
Titus Male 2 Corith. 2:13 giant; hero
Tobby Male Psalm 100:5 God is good
Tolbert Male Rom. 10:15 proclaims the truth
Tommy Male John 3:16 one of equality
Tucker Male Coloss. 3:23 master weaver
Tyrone Male 2 Sam. 23:3 an absolute ruler
Uday Male Joshua 1:8 prosperous one
Ulriah Male 2 Sam. 23:3 ruler over all
Ultima Female Acts 18:2 endmost; farthest
Umbelina Female Acts 18:2 gives protective shade
Undine Female Gen. 22:23 little wave
Uniqua Female Gen. 22:23 unique
Urbana Female Acts 12:13 city dweller
Ursicina Female SSol. 2:1 bear meat
Ursina Female Exod. 28:17 little bear
Uzziah Male 2 Kings 15:13 strength of the Lord
Vanesa Female Acts 5:1 butterfly
Vernon Male 1Tim. 1:14 the abundant one
Veronique Female 1 Chron. 7:24 bringer of victory
Victor Male 2 Tim. 2:5 victor conqueror
Victoria Female Deut. 20:4 victory
Voleta Female Joshua 18:8 veiled
Volupia Female Exod. 1:15 voluptuous woman
Waynette Female Acts 9:36 wagon maker
Waynine Female Mark 5:41 a wagon maker
Wendelle Female Gen. 38:6 wanderer
Weslee Female Gen. 38:6 western meadow
Whaley Female Deut. 20:4 whale meadow
Whisper Female 1 Chron. 7:8 whisper
Whitley Female Gen. 29:24 white field
Whitnee Female 1 Chron. 23:10 white island
William Male Ephes. 6:10 bold protector
Winston Male John 15:14 a firm friend
Wolfgang Male Joshua 1:9 guardian and protector
Woodrow Male 1 Chron. 16:33 dweller by the woods
Xana Female 1 Tim. 6:12 blond haired
Xanthe Female Isaiah 12:2 blond-haired
Yade Female 1 Kings 3:7 meadow nymph
Yahweh Male Psalm 113:4 Jehovah in the highest
Yalanda Female 1 Sam. 25:3 bringer of light
Yale Male Psalm 119:105 from the fertile upland
Yole Female 1 Chron. 11:42 violet flower
Yusef Male Deuter. 16:15 He shall increase
Zacchaeus Male Luke 19:2 innocent; pure
Zachariah Male 2 Kings 14:29 God remember me
Zebadiah Male 1 Chron. 8:15 God is might and just
Zebedee Male Matt. 4:21 God's gift
Zebina Female 1 Chron. 2:26 hunter's dart
Zebulun Male Gen. 30:20 exalted and honored
Zechariah Male 2 Kings 14:29 God remembered
Zeina Female 2 Sam. 11:3 lady; woman
Zemira Female 1 Chron. 7:8 vine; palm
Zenaide Female Isaiah 62:4 white-winged dove

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