Rabu, 24 Agustus 2016



A collection of the best name that starts with A, as a reference to name your child.

Aaliya Female Hebrew ascender
Aaron Male Hebrew enlightened; messenger
Aarti Female Hebrew valley of the eagle
Abban Male Latin white
Abbey Female Hebrew father's joy
Abbott Male Hebrew father; abbot
Abe Male Hebrew father of many nations
Abeer Female Hebrew my strength
Abelardo Male Spanish noble, resolute
Abele Male Italian herdsman
Abeni Female Yoruba we asked for a girl
Abia Female Hausa small as a bird
Abidemi Female Yoruba born in father's absence
Abijika Female Sanskrit seed; life
Abir Male Hebrew strong
Abla Female Arabic fine & full figure
Abner Male Hebrew father of light
Abo Male Hebrew father
Abrielle Female French secure; protected
Absalom Male Hebrew father of peace
Acacia Female Greek thorny
Acalia Female Latin mother of gods
Ace Male Latin unity
Achilla Female Greek hero of Trojan war
Achille Male Italian pain, lipless
Ackerley Male English meadow of oak trees
Acton Male English town by the oaks
Adah Female Hebrew ornament
Adalberto Male Italian bright nobility
Adalfieri Male Italian noble oath
Adalgisa Female German noble hostage
Adam Male Hebrew man, or mankind
Adamo Male Italian mankind
Adán Female Spanish man; mankind
Adana Female Spanish man; mankind
Adaoma Female Ibo good lady
Adara Female Sanskrit to care about
Addie Female Greek noble & serene
Addison Male English son of Adam
Addy Male Hebrew Adam
Adelaar Male Dutch eagle
Adelaide Female German noble & serene
Adelbert Male German noble bear
Adele Female English noble & serene
Adelina Female English noble & serene
Adelma Female Teutonic protector of the needy
Adelvina Female German ennobled by victory
Adero Female African she gives life
Adeyemi Female Yoruba crown benefits me
Adi Male Hebrew jewel
Adia Female Swahili a gift from God
Adilene Female English noble & serene
Adin Male Hebrew gentle & nice
Adira Female Hebrew one who sings
Adiv Male Hebrew gracious, kind
Adiva Female Hebrew gracious; kind
Adjatay Male Cameroon prince
Adjutor Male Latin one who helps
Adlai Male Hebrew God's justice
Adler Male German eagle
Adolf Male German noble wolf
Adolfo Male Italian noble wolf
Adoncia Female Spanish sweet
Adoni Male Hebrew Lord
Adoración Female Latin venerating the gods
Adriadna Female Greek she who is very holy
Adrian Male Greek rich; dark
Adriane Female English dark; rich woman
Adriano Male Italian rich or wealthy
Adrien Male Greek rich or wealthy
Adrienne Female Greek dark; rich woman
Adriyanna Female American dark; rich woman
Adromache Male Latin fighting man
Adulfo Male German of noble heritage
Aduna Female Wolof the world
Aedan Male Irish born of fire
Aeneus Male Latin man made of bronze
Aengus Male Irish vigor, strength
Aerin Female Hebrew enlightened
Affiah Female Efik cloudless; clear
Afiya Female Swahili health
Afrika Female Spanish sunny; not cold
Afton Male English from Afton, England
Agala Female Hausa rope
Agapeto Male Italian beloved one
Agapita Female Greek beloved & wanted
Agapito Male Italian beloved one
Agate Female English a semiprecious stone
Agerico Male Latin powerful sword
Aggie Female Greek good & kind
Agileo Male German spade of a fighter
Agnella Female Greek pure
Agnelo Male Latin lamb of God
Agostina Female Italian venerable
Agostino Male Italian venerable
Agrippa Male Latin born feet first
Ahab Male Hebrew father's brother
Ahuiliztli Female Nahuatl joy
Aída Female Latin noble & serene
Aidan Male Gaelic lively; full of fire
Aiden Male Irish fiery
Aiesha Female Swahili life; woman
Aiguo Male Chinese love country; patriotic
Ailbe Male Irish white
Aileen Female Scottish light bearer
Ailill Male Irish beauty
Ailsa Female Scottish island in Scotland
Aimee Female Latin beloved
Aimon Male French house
Ainara Female Basque little bird
Ainoa Female Basque has fertile soil
Ainsley Male Scottish my own meadow
Ainslie Female Scottish my own meadow
Airianna Female English holy
Aishia Female Swahili life; woman
Aisling Male Gaelic good dream
Aisone Female Basque the Assumption
Aitimaa Female Finnish mother earth
Aiyanna Female Hindi innocent
Aizea Male Basque the wind
Aja Female Hindi goat
Ajimán Male Hebrew my brother is manna
Ajiva Female Sanskrit right livelihood
Ajshalom Male Hebrew brother of peace
Akeiba Female Hebrew supplanted
Akemi Male Japanese beauty of dawn
Aki Male Japanese autumn; bright
Akihiko Male Japanese bright male child
Akihiro Male Japanese shining abroad
Akihito Male Japanese bright child
Akilah Female Arabic one who reasons
Akina Female Japanese spring flower
Akio Male Japanese bright boy
Akiyama Male Japanese the Autumn; mountain
Akocha Male Chickasaw sunrise
Akoni Male Yoruba brave warrior
Akono Male Yoruba it is my turn
Alacer Male Latin eager, lively; joyful
Alacrino Male Latin outgoing; alive
Alain Male Gaelic handsome one
Alainn Female Gaelic beautiful one
Alamea Female Hawaiian ripe; precious
Alan Male Irish handsome; peaceful
Alanah Female Irish attractive; peaceful
Aland Male English  bright as the sun
Alania Female Hawaiian like calm waters
Alarice Female German ruler of all
Alaris Male Latin of the wing
Alaura Female American A + Lora
Alaysha Female American truthful; noble
Albert Male German noble and bright
Alberta Female German noble & bright
Alberto Male Italian bright nobility
Albina Female Italian dawn
Albion Male Latin white cliffs
Albretta Female American noble & bright
Alcindia Female Greek strong-minded
Alcott Male English old cottage
Alda Female Italian noble
Aldelmo Male German old helmet
Aldemar Male German famous for nobility
Alden Male English old, wise protector
Aldercy Female American from Aldersey island
Aldis Male English old house
Aldo Male Italian noble
Aldonsa Female Spanish nice
Aldred Male English old, wise counselor
Aldrich Male English wise counselor
Aldwin Male English old friend
Aleaha Female Arabic high; exalted
Alec Male Greek defender of mankind
Aleela Female Swahili she cries
Aleesa Female Greek truthful & noble
Aleez Male Hebrew joyful one
Aleeza Female Hebrew joyful
Aleha Female American ascender; exalted
Aleja Female Spanish defender of mankind
Aleo Male German governor
Aleria Female Latin eagle
Alerion Male French young eagle
Aleron Male Latin winged being
Alessa Female Greek truthful & noble
Alessandro Male Italian defender of mankind
Aleta Male Spanish little wing
Aletha Female Greek truth
Alethia Female Greek truth
Alex Male Greek defender of mankind
Alex Ann Female American Alex + Ann
Alexander Male Greek defender of mankind
Aleya Female Hebrew ascender
Alezan Male French chestnut horse
Alfeo Male Italian changing
Alfie Male English wise counselor
Alfonsa Female German noble & eager
Alfonso Male Italian noble and eager
Alfred Male English wise counselor
Algernon Male English wearing a moustache
Algie Male English wearing a moustache
Alhertina Female Spanish noble
Alica Female Latin the nourished one
Alicja Female English truthful; noble
Alie Female Greek truthful; noble
Alima Female Arabic sea maiden; musical
Alipha Female Hausa thousand
Alisha Female Greek truthful; noble
Aliska Female American protected by God
Alistair Male English defender of mankind
Alivia Female Latin olive tree
Aliya Female Hebrew one who ascends
Aliyan Male Canaanite God of life
Aliye Female Arabic noble
Alize Female Greek truthful & noble
Allana Female Irish attractive; peaceful
Allard Male English noble, brave
Allena Female Irish attractive; peaceful
Allicia Female English truthful; noble
Allister Male English defender of mankind
Alliyz Female Hebrew joyful one
Allysen Female English truthful; noble
Alma Female Spanish spirit & strength
Almika Female Ixil Maya the sky
Almita Female Latin kind
Alodia Female Basque free land
Aloise Female Spanish famous warrior
Alona Male Hebrew oak tree
Alondra Female Spanish the lark bird
Alonge Male Yoruba a tall and skinny boy
Alonso Male Spanish noble and eager
Alonzia Female Spanish ready & alert
Alonzo Male Italian noble and eager
Alphonso Male Italian noble and eager
Alroy Male Irish a red-headed child.
Alston Male English estate of a nobleman
Altair Female Greek star; flying eagle
Alton Male English old town
Alumine Female Mapuche she who shines
Alvar Male English army of the elves
Alvarita Female Spanish speaker of the truth
Alvern Male Latin springtime
Alvin Male English noble friend
Alvina Female English friend to all
Alvise Male Italian Louis; famous warrior
Alyce Female Greek truthful & noble
Alysa Female Greek rational
Alyssia Female Greek rational
Alyxis Female Greek defender of mankind
Ama Female African born on Saturday
Amadea Female Latin loves God
Amadeo Male Italian to love God
Amadrya Female Sanskrit mother
Amala Female Tibetan honorable mother
Amaliah Female Hebrew servant of God
Amalsinda Female German the one God points to
Amalur Male Basque mother earth
Amana Female Arabic honesty
Amancia Female Latin lover
Amando Male Italian lovable
Amani Male Swahili peace, trust, safety
Amania Female Hebrew artist of God
Amanjot Female Punjabi peaceful light
Amara Female Sanskrit immortality
Amarata Female Sanskrit immortality
Amaris Female Hebrew promised by God
Amata Male Latin beloved
Amato Male Italian beloved one
Amaziah Female Hausa a place to rest
Ambar Female French amber
Ambra Female Italian amber
Ambrogino Male Italian little immortal one
Ambrogio Male Italian immortal
Ambyr Female French amber
Amedeo Male Italian to love God
Amee Female French beloved
Amelia Female German hard working
Amerigo Male Italian industrious
Ametane Female Cheyenne living woman
Amherst Male English  place name
Amiana Female Latin trustworthy; faithful
Amichai Male Hebrew my nation lives
Amida Male Japanese the name of Buddha
Amina Female Arabic trustworthy & faithful
Amine Male Hebrew trustworthy, honest
Amirah Female Hebrew speech; utterance
Amita Female Hebrew truth
Amlika Female Hindi mother
Amora Female Spanish love
Amorina Female Spanish falls in love
Amory Male German industrious leader
Amos Male Hebrew burdened, troubled
Ampelio Male Italian vine
Amrit Female Sanskrit nectar
Amuillan Female Mapuche useful; helpful
An Male Chinese peace
Anacleta Female Greek has been called on
Anahita Female Persian immaculate one
Anala Female Hindi fine
Analiria Female Spanish from Almeria, Spain
Anan Female Hebrew cloudy
Anasa Male Swahili joy
Anastagio Male Italian resurrection
Anastasio Male Italian resurrection
Anat Female Egyptian consort of Seth
Anata Male Latin loved one
Anatolio Male Italian the sun rises in the east
Anavia Female American Ana + Via
Anci Female Hungarian gracious
Ancil Male French of nobility
Ancor Male Latin anchor; steadfast
Andaruna Female Persian with; inside
Andeka Female Estonian talented one
Ander Male Greek man
Andra Female Latin strong; courageous
Andre Male French manly
Andrea Male Italian manly
Andreana Female Italian strong in character
Andrew Male Greek manly
Andria Female Greek strong; courageous
Andris Male Greek who is like a man
Andromeda Female Greek daughter of Cepheus
Andy Male Greek manly
Aneesa Female Greek pure
Anela Female Hawaiian angel
Anella Male Zulu content; satisfied
Anémona Female Greek victorious over men
Aneshia Female Greek pure
Anetra Female American gracious
Angelita Female Spanish angel; messenger
Angúo Male Chinese protect the country
Angus Male Scottish excellent, outstanding
Ani Female Hawaiian beautiful
Anice Female English pure
Anila Female Hindi Hindu god Vishnu
Animashaun Male Yoruba generous
Aniqa Female Persian elegant; beautiful
Anisa Female Persian friendly one
Anisia Female Greek fulfills her obligations
Anitchka Female Russian gracious
Aniyan Male Yoruba one who cares
Anja Female Russian gracious
Anjelita Female Spanish angel; messenger
Anjelo Male Italian heavenly messenger
Ankyra Female Greek anchor
Annaisha Male Japanese to guide others
Annalee Female Finnish gracious
Annelisa Female English Ann & Lisa
Annik Female Russian gracious
Annmaria Female American Ann & Maria
Annya Female Japanese peace & sustenance
Anouhea Female Hawaiian cool; soft fragrance
Ansel Male French follower of a nobleman
Anselm Male German divine protector
Ansley Male Scottish my own meadow
Anson Male German divine
Antandra Female Greek powerful woman
Anthea Female Greek flower
Anthony Male Latin praiseworthy
Antoine Male French Anthony; praiseworthy
Antolina Female Spanish flourishing; inestimable
Anton Male Spanish Anthony; praiseworthy
Antonia Female Greek flourishing; inestimable
Antwon Male French Anthony; praiseworthy
Anu Female Sumerian the most ancient God
Anuncia Female Latin divine messenger
Anura Female Indian knowledge
Anzella Female American Ann + Gazella
Apace Male English swift one
Apane Female Hawaiian beautiful red bird
Aphra Female Hebrew young deer
April Female Latin opening; springtime
Aquene Female Nat. Amer. peaceful
Aquila Male Latin eagle
Aquiline Male English like an eagle
Ara Female Arabic opinionated
Araceli Female Latin heavenly altar
Arakan Male Japanese worthy one; hero
Arata Male Japanese fresh
Arbogasta Female Greek the rich woman
Arcangelo Male Italian archangel
Archana Female Sanskrit worship
Archard Male French powerful
Archer Male English bowman
Archibald Male German bold
Archie Male English bowman
Arda Female Hebrew bronze
Ardan Male Irish high aspiration
Ardell Male Latin eager; industrious
Arden Male Latin ardent, fiery & eager
Ardine Female English valley of the eagle
Ardith Female Hebrew flowering field
Ardley Male English ardent meadow
Ardon Male Hebrew bronzed
Arduino Male Italian hardy friend
Arecio Male Latin the god of war
Areil Female American the Lord is my light
Aren Male Danish eagle; ruler
Arene Female Greek daughter of Perseus
Aretha Female Greek the best choice
Argelia Female Latin full of treasures
Argimon Female German defensive army
Argus Male Danish watchful, vigilant
Argyle Male Irish from Ireland
Ariadna Female Greek holy
Arian Female French holy
Arianne Female English holy
Aric Male German ruler
Ariel Male Hebrew lion of God
Ariella Female Hebrew lioness of God
Aries Male Latin ram; first zodiac sign
Arietta Female Italian short aria; melody
Arista Female Greek best
Arla Female German farmer
Arledge Male English lake with the hares
Arlena Female Irish pledge
Arley Male English hare's meadow
Arlo Male Spanish barberry; fortified hill
Armand Male Latin noble soldier
Armanda Female Latin noble birth
Armando Male Italian bold & hardy man
Armanno Male Italian soldier
Armelia Female American hard working
Armengol Male German ready for combat
Arminda Female German armed warrior
Armonda Female Latin soldier; warrior
Armstrong Male English strong arm
Arnaldo Male Italian eagle power
Arnelle Female German eagle
Arnette Male English little eagle
Arniano Male Latin lamb; little one
Arnon Male Hebrew rushing river
Aroldo Male Italian Harold; army leader
Arqa Female Arabic refined tastes
Arran Male Scottish island dweller
Arrano Male Basque eagle
Arreta Male Basque to be careful
Arrigo Male Italian industrious
Arrio Male Spanish warlike
Arsai Female Canaanite goddess of the earth
Art Male Irish outstanding warrior
Artemio Male Spanish gift of goddess Artemis
Artha Female Hindi wealthy; prosperous
Arthur Male English noble; lofty hill
Artur Male Celtic noble
Artura Female Celtic noble
Arturo Male Italian noble, lofty hill
Arun Male Cambodian the sun
Arvid Male Hebrew wanderer; eagle tree
Arvin Male German friend of the people
Aryana Female Italian holy
Aryssa Female Greek best
Asa Male Japanese morning
Ascensción Female Spanish ascension
Ascot Male English eastern cottage
Asedio Male Latin stable
Asgre Female Welsh heart
Ash Male Hebrew ash tree
Ashan Female Hebrew smoke
Ashenee Female Cree angel
Asher Male Hebrew happy; blessed
Ashford Male English ash-tree ford
Ashika Female American life
Ashlea Female English ash tree meadow
Ashni Female Hindi a flash of lightening
Ashon Male Swahili seventh-born son
Ashton Male English ash tree settlement
Ashur Male Swahili Islamic month of Ashur
Asiah Female Greek eastern sunrise
Aspasia Female Greek welcome
Asta Female Arabic more radiant
Astío Male Latin one who belongs
Aston Male English eastern town
Astra Female English star
Asunta Female Spanish to ascend
Atalanta Female Greek mighty huntress
Atara Male Hebrew the crown
Ateitis Female Lithuanian the future
Athaliah Female Hebrew the Lord is exalted
Atherton Male English town by a spring
Atieno Male Swahili guardian of the night
Atifa Female Arabic compassionate
Atira Female Hebrew prayer
Atkins Male English home of the relatives
Atlanta Female Greek mighty huntress
Atley Male English meadow
Atsa Female Navajo eagle
Atsushi Male Japanese cordial; industrious
Atticus Male Latin region outside Athens
Attilio Male Italian Attila; little father
Atwater Male English at the water's edge
Atwood Male English at the forest
Atworth Male English at the farmstead
Aubrey Male German noble; bear like
Auburn Male Latin reddish brown
Audacto Male Latin one who is bold
Audas Male Latin valiant; bold
Audelina Female German noble strength
Auden Male English old friend
Audrey Male English noble strength
Audric Male English wise ruler
Augurio Male Latin divine flight of birds
August Male Latin Augustine; majestic
Augustine Male Latin majestic
Augusto Male Italian Augustus; venerable
Augustus Male Latin magnificent
Aula Female Swahili superior one
Aura Female Latin golden; soft breeze
Aurélien Male Latin golden light
Aurelio Male Italian Aurelius; golden
Aureus Male Latin golden
Aurquena Female Spanish present
Austen Male Latin Augustine; majestic
Austyn Female Latin majestic
Aval Female Ixil Maya garden
Averi Female English noble; bear like
Averill Male French born in April
Avery Male English Aubrey; noble bear
Avi Male Hebrew God is my father
Avia Male Hebrew father God
Aviah Female Hebrew the Lord is my God
Avidan Male Hebrew my Father is judge
Aviel Male Hebrew God is my father
Avis Female Latin bird
Avishua Male Hebrew Father who saves
Aviv Male Hebrew springtime
Avivah Female Hebrew springtime
Avuka Male Hebrew torch
Axel Male Latin axe; small oak tree
Aya Female Hebrew bird; fly swiftly
Ayako Female Japanese beautiful silk girl
Ayame Female Japanese iris flower
Ayanna Female Hindi innocent
Ayinhual Female Mapuche beloved; darling
Ayla Female Hebrew oak tree
Aylmer Male English noble, famous
Aylwin Male English noble friend
Aynkan Female Indigenous older sister
Ayo Male Yoruba happiness
Ayodele Female Yoruba brings joy with her
Ayoola Female Yoruba joy in wealth
Ayumi Male Japanese history
Ayunda Female Indonesian a dear girl
Azadanes Male Hebrew strong
Azagba Male Benin born out of town
Azái Male Hebrew strong
Azas Male Hebrew strong
Azima Male Swahili charmed into motion
Azizi Male Swahili precious

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