Best collection of names that start with R. If like, you can use as the reference name.
Rabecca | Female | Hebrew | tied; bound |
Rabia | Female | Arabic | breeze |
Rabiah | Female | Arabic | spring |
Race | Male | English | race; runner |
Racham | Male | Hebrew | compassionate |
Rachel | Male | Hebrew | sheep |
Rachelle | Female | French | female sheep |
Rachim | Male | Hebrew | mercy |
Rad | Male | English | advisor; happy |
Rada | Female | Estonian | the path |
Radbert | Male | English | brilliant advisor |
Radburn | Male | English | brook with reeds |
Radcliff | Male | English | cliff with reeds |
Radegunda | Female | German | battle counselor |
Radella | Female | German | counselor |
Radeyah | Female | Arabic | content; satisfied |
Radford | Male | English | ford with reeds |
Radha | Female | Hindi | soul; consort |
Radhika | Female | Hindi | prosperity woman |
Radhiya | Female | Swahili | agreeable one |
Radia | Female | Arabic | satisfied; content |
Radiante | Female | Latin | radiant |
Radley | Male | English | meadow of reeds |
Radmilla | Female | Slavic | worker for the people |
Radnor | Male | English | shore with reeds |
Rae | Female | German | wise protection |
Raeca | Female | Spanish | beautiful; unique |
Raegan | Female | Irish | little ruler |
Raena | Female | German | mighty |
Raeven | Female | English | blackbird |
Rafa | Male | Hebrew | the giant |
Rafael | Male | Spanish | God has healed |
Rafaela | Female | Hebrew | healed by God |
Rafe | Male | English | rich, prosperous |
Raffi | Male | Hebrew | exalted |
Rafika | Female | Arabic | companion friend |
Rafu | Male | Japanese | net |
Raghnall | Male | Irish | wise power |
Raghu | Male | Indian | Hindu god Rama |
Raguel | Male | Hebrew | everyone's friend |
Rahas | Male | Indian | secret |
Raheem | Female | Punjabi | compassionate God |
Rai | Female | Russian | heaven |
Raidah | Female | Arabic | leader |
Raina | Female | German | mighty ruler |
Rainbow | Female | English | rainbow |
Raine | Male | English | lord, wise |
Raj | Male | Hindu | prince, chief |
Rajanya | Female | Hindi | queen; royalty |
Raji | Female | Arabic | hope |
Raku | Female | Japanese | pleasure |
Raleigh | Male | English | dear meadow |
Raley | Female | Irish | valiant |
Ralf | Male | English | wolf counselor |
Ralston | Male | English | Ralph's settlement |
Ram | Male | Hindu | god; godlike |
Raman | Male | Hindu | beloved |
Ramana | Female | Hindi | beautiful |
Rambert | Male | German | strong; brilliant |
Rami | Female | Lithuanian | calm one |
Ramira | Female | Spanish | judicious |
Ramla | Female | Swahili | fortune-teller |
Ramsden | Male | English | valley of rams |
Ramsey | Female | English | ram's island |
Ramzi | Male | American | mighty, ram's island |
Ran | Female | Japanese | water lily |
Rana | Female | Sanskrit | gaze; look |
Ranan | Male | Hebrew | to rejoice with song |
Rance | Male | American | crowned with laurels |
Rand | Male | English | shield; warrior |
Randa | Female | Arabic | tree |
Randal | Male | English | shield wolf; warrior |
Randall | Female | English | protected |
Randelle | Female | German | shield wolf |
Rane | Female | Scand. | queen |
Ranen | Male | Hebrew | joyful |
Ranger | Male | French | forest keeper |
Rangi | Female | Maori | sky |
Rangle | Male | American | cowboy |
Rani | Male | Hebrew | my song; my joy |
Rania | Female | Arabic | sees ahead |
Ranieri | Male | Italian | powerful army |
Ranita | Female | Hebrew | song; joyful |
Raniyah | Female | Arabic | gazing |
Rankin | Male | English | small island |
Ransford | Male | English | raven's ford |
Ransley | Male | English | raven's field |
Rapa | Female | Hawaiian | moonbeam |
Rapier | Male | French | sharp blade |
Raquildis | Female | German | fighting princess |
Rasha | Female | Arabic | young gazelle |
Rashanda | Female | American | righteous |
Rashidi | Male | Swahili | wise counselor |
Rasida | Female | Swahili | rightly guided |
Rasmus | Male | Greek | Erasmus; lovable |
Rassada | Female | Russian | seedlings |
Rathtyen | Female | Welsh | child of Clement |
Ratrudis | Female | German | faithful counselor |
Rauel | Male | Hebrew | friend of God |
Raven | Male | English | raven |
Ravid | Male | Hebrew | wanderer |
Raviro | Male | Shona | gift from God |
Raviv | Male | Hebrew | rain, dew |
Rawdon | Male | English | rocky hill |
Rawiya | Female | Arabic | storyteller |
Raxka | Female | Mayan | lightning |
Ray | Male | French | kingly, royal |
Raya | Female | Hebrew | friend |
Rayan | Male | Irish | little king |
Rayanne | Female | American | grace; mercy |
Rayburn | Male | English | deer brook |
Rayce | Male | English | swift, adroit |
Rayen | Female | Mapuche | flower |
Rayfield | Male | English | stream in the field |
Rayford | Male | English | stream crossing |
Rayi | Male | Hebrew | my companion |
Rayna | Female | Hebrew | song of the Lord |
Raynaldo | Male | Spanish | king's advisor |
Raynard | Male | French | bold & courageous |
Rayowa | Female | Hausa | life |
Razi | Female | Aramaic | secretive |
Raziya | Female | Arabic | sweet; agreeable |
Razzle | Female | American | sparkle; excitement |
Rea | Female | Greek | poppy flower |
Read | Male | English | red-haired |
Real | Male | Latin | reality |
Realta | Female | Gaelic | star |
Reba | Female | Hebrew | fourth-born child |
Rebecca | Female | Hebrew | tied bound |
Rebel | Male | American | rebellious |
Redding | Male | Dutch | rescue |
Rede | Male | Dutch | the reasoning mind |
Redempto | Male | Latin | redeemed |
Redmond | Male | Irish | counselor, protector |
Redpath | Male | English | path of red earth |
Reece | Male | Welsh | swift moving stream |
Reem | Female | Arabic | white antelope |
Reena | Female | Greek | peaceful |
Reeve | Male | English | steward |
Refugio | Female | Latin | refuge |
Reginal | Male | English | advisor to the king |
Regis | Male | Latin | regal |
Regla | Female | Spanish | rule |
Regulo | Male | Latin | king |
Rehema | Female | Swahili | compassion |
Rei | Male | Japanese | rule, law |
Reichana | Female | Hebrew | sweet-smelling |
Reiko | Female | Japanese | grateful |
Reilly, Riley | Male | Irish | courageous, valiant |
Reina | Female | Dutch | purity; radiant woman |
Reinaard | Male | Dutch | the purifier |
Reisha | Female | American | first |
Rekha | Female | Hindi | thin line |
Reku | Male | Finnish | rich & powerful ruler |
Remedio | Male | Latin | medicine |
Remedios | Female | Spanish | remedy |
Remegio | Male | Latin | mans the oars |
Remi | Male | French | from Rheims, France |
Remigia | Female | Latin | rower |
Remington | Male | English | where ravens abound |
Remo | Male | Greek | strong man |
Remus | Male | Latin | speedy; quick |
Rená n | Male | Irish | seal |
Renae | Female | French | born again |
Renato | Male | Italian | reborn |
Rende | Female | Mandarin | high kindness |
Rendor | Male | Hungarian | policeman |
Rene | Male | French | has been reborn |
Renfred | Male | English | lasting peace |
Renfrew | Male | Welsh | raven woods |
Renjiro | Male | Japanese | virtuous |
Renny | Male | Irish | small but strong |
Reno | Male | American | gambler |
Reparada | Female | Latin | repaired; renewed |
Reseda | Female | Spanish | mignonette blossom |
Respicio | Male | Latin | I look behind me |
Restituta | Female | Latin | restitution |
Restituto | Male | Latin | he who returns to God |
Reuben | Male | Hebrew | behold a son |
Reule | Male | French | famous wolf |
Reva | Female | Hebrew | young girl |
Revocata | Female | Latin | call again |
Rexford | Male | English | king's river crossing |
Rexton | Male | English | king's estate |
Reyhan | Female | Turkish | sweet-smelling flower |
Rez | Male | Hungarian | copper; redhead |
Rezin | Male | Hebrew | pleasant, delightful |
Rhapsody | Female | American | great delight |
Rhea | Female | Greek | brook; stream |
Rheo | Male | Greek | sacred stream |
Rhoda | Female | Greek | from Rhodes; Greece |
Rhodelia | Female | Greek | rosy |
Rhodes | Male | Greek | where roses grow |
Rhodesia | Female | African | African country |
Rhodia | Female | Greek | garland of roses |
Rhona | Female | Scottish | powerful; mighty |
Rhonda | Female | Welsh | grand |
Rhonwyn | Female | Irish | white breasted |
Ric | Male | Italian | ruler of the household |
Ricci | Female | American | ruler of all |
Rice | Male | English | rich & noble |
Richael | Female | Irish | saint |
Richelle | Female | American | large stone |
Richman | Male | English | powerful |
Richmond | Male | German | powerful protector |
Rickma | Female | Hebrew | woven |
Rickward | Male | English | mighty guardian |
Rictruda | Female | German | powerful strength |
Rida | Female | Arabic | contentment |
Riddock | Male | Irish | smooth field |
Rider | Male | English | horseman |
Ridge | Male | English | ridge of a cliff |
Ridgeway | Male | English | path along the ridge |
Riel | Male | Spanish | devoted to God |
Rigby | Male | English | ruler's valley |
Rigg | Male | English | ridge |
Rigoberto | Male | German | splendid wealth |
Riisa | Female | American | rose |
Rika | Female | Swedish | ruler |
Rikona | Female | Japanese | intelligence |
Rileigh | Female | Irish | Riley; valiant |
Rilla | Female | German | small brook |
Rimon | Male | Hebrew | pomegranate fruit |
Rin | Female | Japanese | a Japanese village |
Rinah | Female | Hebrew | joyous song |
Rindi | Male | Shona | walks without fear |
Ring | Male | English | ring |
Ringo | Male | Japanese | peace be with you |
Riordan | Male | Irish | royal poet |
Rip | Male | Dutch | ripe; full grown |
Ripley | Male | English | meadow near the river |
Rippina | Female | Japanese | brilliance; the light |
Risa | Female | Latin | laughter |
Risetta | Female | French | pleasant little laugh |
Rishona | Female | Hebrew | fist |
Risley | Male | English | meadow with shrubs |
Rissa | Female | Greek | sea nymph |
Risto | Male | Finnish | follower of Christ |
Rita | Female | Greek | pearl |
Ritsa | Female | Greek | defender of mankind |
Ritter | Male | German | knight; chivalrous |
River | Male | English | river; riverbank |
Rizieri | Male | German | army of the leader |
Roan | Male | English | tree with red berries |
Roarke | Male | Irish | famous ruler |
Rob | Male | English | famous brilliance |
Robbie | Male | English | famous, brilliance |
Roberts | Male | English | son of Robert |
Robinette | Female | English | robin |
Robinson | Male | English | son of Robin |
Robustiana | Female | Latin | well-built woman |
Robustiano | Male | Latin | strong as an oak tree |
Rocan | Male | Hindu | enlightening |
Rocco | Male | Italian | rock |
Roch | Male | English | rocky |
Rochester | Male | English | rocky fortress |
Rock | Male | English | rocky spring |
Rockford | Male | English | rocky ford |
Rockland | Male | English | rocky land |
Rockledge | Male | English | rocky ledge |
Rockley | Male | English | rocky field |
Rodan | Male | Serbian | fertile earth; fertility |
Rode | Male | Greek | pink |
Roden | Male | Gaelic | hearty; lively |
Rodger | Male | German | famous spearman |
Rodnae | Female | English | island clearing |
Rodrigues | Male | Spanish | son of Rodrigo |
Roe | Male | English | roe deer |
Rogaciana | Female | Latin | forgiving woman |
Rogelio | Male | Spanish | famous warrior |
Rohan | Male | Hindu | sandalwood |
Rohin | Male | Hindu | upward path |
Rohit | Male | Hindu | big & beautiful fish |
Roja | Male | Spanish | red |
Rokuro | Male | Japanese | sixth son |
Romanos | Male | Greek | from Rome, Italy |
Romario | Male | Italian | pilgrim to Rome, Italy |
Romel | Male | Latin | citizen of Rome, Italy |
Romelia | Female | German | glorious heroine |
Romildo | Male | German | glorious hero |
Romney | Male | Welsh | winding river |
Romualdo | Male | German | the glorious king |
Romulus | Male | Latin | citizen of Rome |
Ron | Male | Hebrew | enlightened |
Rona | Female | Norwegian | mighty power |
Ronan | Male | Irish | legendary seal child |
Ronán | Male | Irish | dark seal |
Rondel | Male | French | a short poem |
Rondelle | Female | French | short poem |
Ronica | Female | Latin | true image |
Ronnell | Female | Scand. | ruler of judgment |
Ronson | Male | Scottish | son of Ronald |
Rony | Male | Hebrew | my song, my joy |
Rooney | Male | Irish | redhead |
Roosevelt | Male | Dutch | field of roses |
Roper | Male | English | rope maker |
Roquelia | Female | German | battle song |
Rosabel | Female | French | beautiful rose |
Rosalba | Female | Spanish | white rose |
Rosalee | Female | English | fair rose |
Rosamond | Female | German | famous guardian |
Rosario | Female | Filipino | rosary |
Roscida | Female | Latin | morning dew |
Rosendo | Male | German | the excellent master |
Rosetta | Female | Spanish | little rose |
Roshan | Male | Hindu | illuminated one |
Roshni | Female | Indian | brighteners |
Rosilda | Female | German | horse-riding warrior |
Roslyn | Female | Scottish | cape; promontory |
Ross | Male | Latin | rose flower |
Rosswell | Male | English | springtime of roses |
Rosula | Female | Latin | rose; beautiful flower |
Roswinda | Female | German | celebrated counselor |
Rotha | Female | German | red; red-haired |
Rover | Male | English | traveler |
Rowanna | Female | American | famous friend |
Rowdy | Male | American | unruly; rowdy |
Rowena | Female | Welsh | fair-haired |
Rowland | Male | English | rough land |
Rowley | Male | English | rough meadow |
Rowson | Male | English | son the redhead |
Roxana | Female | Persian | sunrise |
Royale | Female | English | royal |
Royce | Male | English | son of Roy |
Royden | Male | English | rye hill |
Rozene | Female | Nat. Amer. | rose blossom |
Ruana | Female | Spanish | poncho |
Ruari | Male | Irish | red king, great king |
Rubena | Female | Hebrew | behold a child |
Rubi | Female | Latin | precious stone |
Rubia | Female | Latin | red; the ruby |
Ruchi | Female | Hindi | wishes to please |
Rudd | Male | English | red enclosure |
Rudo | Male | Shona | love |
Rudra | Female | Hindi | Hindu god Shiva |
Rudyard | Male | English | pond with red carp |
Ruel | Female | English | path |
Rufaro | Female | Shona | happiness |
Rugby | Male | English | rook fortress |
Rui | Female | Japanese | affectionate |
Rukiya | Female | Swahili | she rises up |
Ruko | Male | Shona | river of life |
Rumford | Male | English | wide river crossing |
Runa | Female | Norwegian | secret; flowing |
Ruri | Female | Japanese | emerald |
Rusk | Male | Spanish | twisted bread |
Russ | Male | French | redhead; fox colored |
Rustica | Female | Latin | country dweller; rustic |
Rut | Female | Hebrew | friendship |
Rutherford | Male | English | cattle ford |
Rutilia | Female | German | shines brightly |
Rutledge | Male | English | red ledge |
Ryba | Female | Czech | small fish |
Rycroft | Male | English | rye field |
Rye | Male | English | a grain used in cereal |
Ryerson | Male | English | son of Rider |
Ryker | Male | American | a popular surname |
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