Rabu, 31 Agustus 2016



Best collection of names that start with R. If like, you can use as the reference name.

Rabecca Female Hebrew tied; bound
Rabia Female Arabic breeze
Rabiah Female Arabic spring
Race Male English race; runner
Racham Male Hebrew compassionate
Rachel Male Hebrew sheep
Rachelle Female French female sheep
Rachim Male Hebrew mercy
Rad Male English advisor; happy
Rada Female Estonian the path
Radbert Male English brilliant advisor
Radburn Male English brook with reeds
Radcliff Male English cliff with reeds
Radegunda Female German battle counselor
Radella Female German counselor
Radeyah Female Arabic content; satisfied
Radford Male English ford with reeds
Radha Female Hindi soul; consort
Radhika Female Hindi prosperity woman
Radhiya Female Swahili agreeable one
Radia Female Arabic satisfied; content
Radiante Female Latin radiant
Radley Male English meadow of reeds
Radmilla Female Slavic worker for the people
Radnor Male English shore with reeds
Rae Female German wise protection
Raeca Female Spanish beautiful; unique
Raegan Female Irish little ruler
Raena Female German mighty
Raeven Female English blackbird
Rafa Male Hebrew the giant
Rafael Male Spanish God has healed
Rafaela Female Hebrew healed by God
Rafe Male English rich, prosperous
Raffi Male Hebrew exalted
Rafika Female Arabic companion friend
Rafu Male Japanese net
Raghnall Male Irish wise power
Raghu Male Indian Hindu god Rama
Raguel Male Hebrew everyone's friend
Rahas Male Indian secret
Raheem Female Punjabi compassionate God
Rai Female Russian heaven
Raidah Female Arabic leader
Raina Female German mighty ruler
Rainbow Female English rainbow
Raine Male English lord, wise
Raj Male Hindu prince, chief
Rajanya Female Hindi queen; royalty
Raji Female Arabic hope
Raku Female Japanese pleasure
Raleigh Male English dear meadow
Raley Female Irish valiant
Ralf Male English wolf counselor
Ralston Male English Ralph's settlement
Ram Male Hindu god; godlike
Raman Male Hindu beloved
Ramana Female Hindi beautiful
Rambert Male German strong; brilliant
Rami Female Lithuanian calm one
Ramira Female Spanish judicious
Ramla Female Swahili fortune-teller
Ramsden Male English valley of rams
Ramsey Female English ram's island
Ramzi Male American mighty, ram's island
Ran Female Japanese water lily
Rana Female Sanskrit gaze; look
Ranan Male Hebrew to rejoice with song
Rance Male American crowned with laurels
Rand Male English shield; warrior
Randa Female Arabic tree
Randal Male English shield wolf; warrior
Randall Female English protected
Randelle Female German shield wolf
Rane Female Scand. queen
Ranen Male Hebrew joyful
Ranger Male French forest keeper
Rangi Female Maori sky
Rangle Male American cowboy
Rani Male Hebrew my song; my joy
Rania Female Arabic sees ahead
Ranieri Male Italian powerful army
Ranita Female Hebrew song; joyful
Raniyah Female Arabic gazing
Rankin Male English small island
Ransford Male English raven's ford
Ransley Male English raven's field
Rapa Female Hawaiian moonbeam
Rapier Male French sharp blade
Raquildis Female German fighting princess
Rasha Female Arabic young gazelle
Rashanda Female American righteous
Rashidi Male Swahili wise counselor
Rasida Female Swahili rightly guided
Rasmus Male Greek Erasmus; lovable
Rassada Female Russian seedlings
Rathtyen Female Welsh child of Clement
Ratrudis Female German faithful counselor
Rauel Male Hebrew friend of God
Raven Male English raven
Ravid Male Hebrew wanderer
Raviro Male Shona gift from God
Raviv Male Hebrew rain, dew
Rawdon Male English rocky hill
Rawiya Female Arabic storyteller
Raxka Female Mayan lightning
Ray Male French kingly, royal
Raya Female Hebrew friend
Rayan Male Irish little king
Rayanne Female American grace; mercy
Rayburn Male English deer brook
Rayce Male English swift, adroit
Rayen Female Mapuche flower
Rayfield Male English stream in the field
Rayford Male English stream crossing
Rayi Male Hebrew my companion
Rayna Female Hebrew song of the Lord
Raynaldo Male Spanish king's advisor
Raynard Male French bold & courageous
Rayowa Female Hausa life
Razi Female Aramaic secretive
Raziya Female Arabic sweet; agreeable
Razzle Female American sparkle; excitement
Rea Female Greek poppy flower
Read Male English red-haired
Real Male Latin reality
Realta Female Gaelic star
Reba Female Hebrew fourth-born child
Rebecca Female Hebrew tied bound
Rebel Male American rebellious
Redding Male Dutch rescue
Rede Male Dutch the reasoning mind
Redempto Male Latin redeemed
Redmond Male Irish counselor, protector
Redpath Male English path of red earth
Reece Male Welsh swift moving stream
Reem Female Arabic white antelope
Reena Female Greek peaceful
Reeve Male English steward
Refugio Female Latin refuge
Reginal Male English advisor to the king
Regis Male Latin regal
Regla Female Spanish rule
Regulo Male Latin king
Rehema Female Swahili compassion
Rei Male Japanese rule, law
Reichana Female Hebrew sweet-smelling
Reiko Female Japanese grateful
Reilly, Riley Male Irish courageous, valiant
Reina Female Dutch purity; radiant woman
Reinaard Male Dutch the purifier
Reisha Female American first
Rekha Female Hindi thin line
Reku Male Finnish rich & powerful ruler
Remedio Male Latin medicine
Remedios Female Spanish remedy
Remegio Male Latin mans the oars
Remi Male French from Rheims, France
Remigia Female Latin rower
Remington Male English where ravens abound
Remo Male Greek strong man
Remus Male Latin speedy; quick
Rená n Male Irish seal
Renae Female French born again
Renato Male Italian reborn
Rende Female Mandarin high kindness
Rendor Male Hungarian policeman
Rene Male French has been reborn
Renfred Male English lasting peace
Renfrew Male Welsh raven woods
Renjiro Male Japanese virtuous
Renny Male Irish small but strong
Reno Male American gambler
Reparada Female Latin repaired; renewed
Reseda Female Spanish mignonette blossom
Respicio Male Latin I look behind me
Restituta Female Latin restitution
Restituto Male Latin he who returns to God
Reuben Male Hebrew behold a son
Reule Male French famous wolf
Reva Female Hebrew young girl
Revocata Female Latin call again
Rexford Male English king's river crossing
Rexton Male English king's estate
Reyhan Female Turkish sweet-smelling flower
Rez Male Hungarian copper; redhead
Rezin Male Hebrew pleasant, delightful
Rhapsody Female American great delight
Rhea Female Greek brook; stream
Rheo Male Greek sacred stream
Rhoda Female Greek from Rhodes; Greece
Rhodelia Female Greek rosy
Rhodes Male Greek where roses grow
Rhodesia Female African African country
Rhodia Female Greek garland of roses
Rhona Female Scottish powerful; mighty
Rhonda Female Welsh grand
Rhonwyn Female Irish white breasted
Ric Male Italian ruler of the household
Ricci Female American ruler of all
Rice Male English rich & noble
Richael Female Irish saint
Richelle Female American large stone
Richman Male English powerful
Richmond Male German powerful protector
Rickma Female Hebrew woven
Rickward Male English mighty guardian
Rictruda Female German powerful strength
Rida Female Arabic contentment
Riddock Male Irish smooth field
Rider Male English horseman
Ridge Male English ridge of a cliff
Ridgeway Male English path along the ridge
Riel Male Spanish devoted to God
Rigby Male English ruler's valley
Rigg Male English ridge
Rigoberto Male German splendid wealth
Riisa Female American rose
Rika Female Swedish ruler
Rikona Female Japanese intelligence
Rileigh Female Irish Riley; valiant
Rilla Female German small brook
Rimon Male Hebrew pomegranate fruit
Rin Female Japanese a Japanese village
Rinah Female Hebrew joyous song
Rindi Male Shona walks without fear
Ring Male English ring
Ringo Male Japanese peace be with you
Riordan Male Irish royal poet
Rip Male Dutch ripe; full grown
Ripley Male English meadow near the river
Rippina Female Japanese brilliance; the light
Risa Female Latin laughter
Risetta Female French pleasant little laugh
Rishona Female Hebrew fist
Risley Male English meadow with shrubs
Rissa Female Greek sea nymph
Risto Male Finnish follower of Christ
Rita Female Greek pearl
Ritsa Female Greek defender of mankind
Ritter Male German knight; chivalrous
River Male English river; riverbank
Rizieri Male German army of the leader
Roan Male English tree with red berries
Roarke Male Irish famous ruler
Rob Male English famous brilliance
Robbie Male English famous, brilliance
Roberts Male English son of Robert
Robinette Female English robin
Robinson Male English son of Robin
Robustiana Female Latin well-built woman
Robustiano Male Latin strong as an oak tree
Rocan Male Hindu enlightening
Rocco Male Italian rock
Roch Male English rocky
Rochester Male English rocky fortress
Rock Male English rocky spring
Rockford Male English rocky ford
Rockland Male English rocky land
Rockledge Male English rocky ledge
Rockley Male English rocky field
Rodan Male Serbian fertile earth; fertility
Rode Male Greek pink
Roden Male Gaelic hearty; lively
Rodger Male German famous spearman
Rodnae Female English island clearing
Rodrigues Male Spanish son of Rodrigo
Roe Male English roe deer
Rogaciana Female Latin forgiving woman
Rogelio Male Spanish famous warrior
Rohan Male Hindu sandalwood
Rohin Male Hindu upward path
Rohit Male Hindu big & beautiful fish
Roja Male Spanish red
Rokuro Male Japanese sixth son
Romanos Male Greek from Rome, Italy
Romario Male Italian pilgrim to Rome, Italy
Romel Male Latin citizen of Rome, Italy
Romelia Female German glorious heroine
Romildo Male German glorious hero
Romney Male Welsh winding river
Romualdo Male German the glorious king
Romulus Male Latin citizen of Rome
Ron Male Hebrew enlightened
Rona Female Norwegian mighty power
Ronan Male Irish legendary seal child
Ronán Male Irish dark seal
Rondel Male French a short poem
Rondelle Female French short poem
Ronica Female Latin true image
Ronnell Female Scand. ruler of judgment
Ronson Male Scottish son of Ronald
Rony Male Hebrew my song, my joy
Rooney Male Irish redhead
Roosevelt Male Dutch field of roses
Roper Male English rope maker
Roquelia Female German battle song
Rosabel Female French beautiful rose
Rosalba Female Spanish white rose
Rosalee Female English fair rose
Rosamond Female German famous guardian
Rosario Female Filipino rosary
Roscida Female Latin morning dew
Rosendo Male German the excellent master
Rosetta Female Spanish little rose
Roshan Male Hindu illuminated one
Roshni Female Indian brighteners
Rosilda Female German horse-riding warrior
Roslyn Female Scottish cape; promontory
Ross Male Latin rose flower
Rosswell Male English springtime of roses
Rosula Female Latin rose; beautiful flower
Roswinda Female German celebrated counselor
Rotha Female German red; red-haired
Rover Male English traveler
Rowanna Female American famous friend
Rowdy Male American unruly; rowdy
Rowena Female Welsh fair-haired
Rowland Male English rough land
Rowley Male English rough meadow
Rowson Male English son the redhead
Roxana Female Persian sunrise
Royale Female English royal
Royce Male English son of Roy
Royden Male English rye hill
Rozene Female Nat. Amer. rose blossom
Ruana Female Spanish poncho
Ruari Male Irish red king, great king
Rubena Female Hebrew behold a child
Rubi Female Latin precious stone
Rubia Female Latin red; the ruby
Ruchi Female Hindi wishes to please
Rudd Male English red enclosure
Rudo Male Shona love
Rudra Female Hindi Hindu god Shiva
Rudyard Male English pond with red carp
Ruel Female English path
Rufaro Female Shona happiness
Rugby Male English rook fortress
Rui Female Japanese affectionate
Rukiya Female Swahili she rises up
Ruko Male Shona river of life
Rumford Male English wide river crossing
Runa Female Norwegian secret; flowing
Ruri Female Japanese emerald
Rusk Male Spanish twisted bread
Russ Male French redhead; fox colored
Rustica Female Latin country dweller; rustic
Rut Female Hebrew friendship
Rutherford Male English cattle ford
Rutilia Female German shines brightly
Rutledge Male English red ledge
Ryba Female Czech small fish
Rycroft Male English rye field
Rye Male English a grain used in cereal
Ryerson Male English son of Rider
Ryker Male American a popular surname

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