Rabu, 24 Agustus 2016



A collection of the best name that starts with E, as a reference to name your child.

Eadmund Female English prosperous protector
Eadwine Female English prosperous friend
Eagan Male Irish very mighty
Ealain Female Gaelic one skilled in the arts
Eamon Male Irish guardian of the riches
Ean Male English God is gracious
Eanna Female Hebrew house of God
Earl Male Irish pledge; nobleman
Earlene Female English noble warrior woman
Earna Female English eagle
Earnest Male English earnest, sincere
Eartha Female English earthy
Easton Male English eastern town
Eastre Female English Easter-time
Eathelin Female English noble waterfall
Eaton Male English estate on the river
Eb Male Hebrew foundation stone
Ebe Female Greek youthful like a flower
Ebenezer Male Hebrew foundation stone
Eber Male German courageous as a boar
Ebner Male English father of light
Ebon Male Hebrew foundation stone
Eboney Female Greek rich and dark wood
Ebony Female Greek hard dark wood; black
Ebrahim Male Arabic father of many nations
Ebrill Female Welsh born in April
Ebronah Male Hebrew passage; heaven
Echidna Female Egyptian a wild boar
Echo Female Greek a repeated sound
Eda Female Irish ardent; flame
Edan Male Scottish fire
Edberto Male German blade makes him shine
Edda Female German battle warrior
Eddie Male English successful spearman
Eddy Female American prosperous friend
Edel Male German noble; fancy ring
Edelia Female Greek remains youthful
Edelina Female German noble; fancy ring
Edeline Female English noble; kind
Edelma Female Greek remains youthful
Edelmira Female Teutonic noble heritage
Edelmiro Male German represents nobility
Eden Male Hebrew delightful
Eder Male Hebrew flock
Ederra Female Basque beauty
Edesia Female Latin feast
Edessa Female Latin a Macedonian town
Edga Female Greek shield bearer
Edgar Male English successful spearman
Edgarda Female Teutonic defends her homeland
Edgardo Male Spanish successful spearman
Edian Female Hebrew decoration for God
Edilberta Female German from a long heritage
Ediltrudis Female German strong; noble
Edina Female English prosperous fort
Edison Male English son of Edward
Edith Female English rich gift
Edlen Female English noble waterfall
Edlyn Female English prosperous; noble
Edmond Male English wealthy protector
Edmunda Female English prosperous protector
Edna Female Hebrew rejuvenation
Edom Female Hebrew red land
Edrea Female English prosperous ruler
Edrianna Female Greek rich; dark
Edsel Male English rich man's house
Edson Male English son of Edward
Eduarda Female English prosperous guardian
Edukas Female Estonian successful one
Edurne Female Basque snow
Eduvigis Female German victorious fighter
Edvina Female German prosperous friend
Edward Male English prosperous guardian
Edwin Male English prosperous friend
Effia Female Ghaninian born on Friday
Effie Female Greek spoken well of
Efigenia Female Greek form of nobility
Efraín Male Hebrew fruitful
Efrata Female Hebrew honored
Efrona Female Hebrew songbird
Egbert Male English bright sword
Egbertina Female English bright sword
Egeria Female Greek gives encouragement
Egerton Male English town where Edgar lives
Egida Female Spanish goat-skin shield
Eginhard Male German power of the sword
Egisto Male Greek raised on goat's milk
Eglantina Female French wild rose
Egle Female Greek possesses splendor
Egon Male German formidable
Egypt Female English an African country
Ehren Male German honorable
Eichi Male Japanese wisdom
Eidothea Female Greek sea goddess
Eiji Male Japanese excellent second son
Eiko Male Japanese prosperity
Eileen Female Irish light bringer
Eirene Female Greek Irene; peaceful
Eirnin Male Irish iron; vigor
Eirween Female Welsh white snow
Eitan Male Hebrew strong and firm
Ejubane Female Zulu swift one
Ekata Female Sanskrit unity; harmony
Ekaterina Female Russian pure
Ela Female Polish noble and serene
Eladia Female Greek from Elade, Greece
Eladio Male Greek came from Greece
Elaina Female French light; torch
Elainia Female American light; torch
Elam Male Hebrew highlands
Elama Female Estonian to fully live
Elan Male Hebrew tree
Elana Female Greek light; torch
Elara Female Greek daughter of Poseidon
Elata Female Latin elevated
Elayna Female French light; torch
Elazar Male Hebrew God helps me
Elbert Male English noble and bright
Elbertyna Female Greek comes from Greece
Elchanan Male Hebrew God is gracious
Elcira Female Teutonic noble adornment
Elda Female German she who battles
Elden Male English old, wise protector
Eldon Male English old farm
Eldora Female Spanish golden; gilded
Eldred Male English wise counselor
Eldwin Male English old friend
Eldyne Female American light; torch
Elea Male Swahili floating; clarity
Eleadora Female Spanish comes from the sun
Eleanor Female Greek light
Eleanora Female Greek light; torch
Eleanore Female Greek light; torch
Eleazar Male Hebrew God helps me
Electa Female Greek shining; bright
Elee Female Sanskrit intelligent
Eleebana Female Australian beautiful
Elein Female American light; torch
Elenio Male Greek shines like the sun
Elenita Female Spanish light; torch
Eleora Female Hebrew the Lord is my light
Elesha Female Greek consecrated to God
Eletta Female English elf; mischievous
Eleuia Female Nahuatl wish
Eleusipa Female Greek arrives on horseback
Elewa Male Swahili one who understands
Elexis Female Greek defender of mankind
Elfega Female German brightness in the heights
Elfida Female Greek daughter of the wind
Elga Female Norwegian pious
Elger Male German noble spearman
Elgin Male English noble; white
Eli Female Hebrew uplifted
Elian Male English the Lord is my God
Eliana Female Hebrew God has answered me
Eliava Female Hebrew God is my Father
Elida Female Latin small and winged
Elide Female Latin small and winged
Eliecer Male Hebrew God is his constant aid
Eliesse Female American God is my oath
Elijah Male Hebrew the Lord is my God
Elika Female Basque nourishment
Elili Female Tamil beautiful
Elim Male Swahili knowledge
Elimena Female Latin stranger
Elimisha Female Swahili teaches knowledge
Elina Female Greek light; torch
Elinor Female Greek a form of light; torch
Eliohim Male Hebrew divinities
Elion Male Greek sun god
Elior Male Hebrew God is my light
Eliora Female Hebrew God is my Light
Eliott Male Hebrew the Lord in my God
Elisa Female Spanish consecrated to God
Elisandro Male Greek liberator of men
Elise Female French consecrated to God
Elisea Female Hebrew God is my salvation
Elisheva Female Hebrew God is my oath
Elishua Male Hebrew God is my salvation
Elissa Female Greek consecrated to God
Elivisa Female Teutonic famous warrior
Eliya Male Hebrew God is my Lord
Eliyada Male Hebrew God knows
Eliyahu Male Hebrew He is my God
Eliza Female Hebrew consecrated to God
Elkan Male Hebrew God is jealous
Elke Female German noble and serene
Ellen Female English light; torch
Ellena Female Greek light bringer
Ellery Male English an English surname
Ellfreda Female German elf counselor
Elli Female English light; torch
Ellice Female English consecrated to God
Elliot Male English the Lord is my God
Ellison Male English son of Ellis
Ellsworth Male English nobleman's estate
Ellyn Female English light bringer
Elman Male German like an elm tree
Elmer Male English noble; famous
Elmina Female English noble
Elmira Female Arabic sea maiden
Elmo Male Greek lovable, friendly
Elodie Female American a water plant
Eloi Male Hebrew uplifted
Eloina Female French predestined
Eloise Female French famous warrior
Eloma Female Finnish life
Elon Male Spanish noble and eager
Elona Female Estonian life
Elonzo Male Spanish noble and eager
Eloxochitl Female Nahuatl magnolia
Elpidia Female Greek waits with faith
Elpidio Male Greek he who has hopes
Elqenna Female Amharic one who is superior
Elrad Male Hebrew God rules
Elroy Male French kingly
Elsa Female German noble
Elsbeth Female German consecrated to God
Elsdon Male English nobleman's hill
Elsie Female German noble
Elston Male English noble's town
Elsworth Male English estate of a nobleman
Elton Male English old farm
Eluta Female Estonian deep wisdom
Elva Female English elfin
Elvera Female Latin white; blond
Elvia Female English elfin
Elvin Male English white, light-skinned
Elvina Female English noble friend
Elvío Male Spanish light-skinned; blond
Elvira Female German amiable; friendly
Elvy Male English elfin warrior
Elwell Male English old well
Elwood Male English old forest
Ely Male Hebrew uplifted
Elycia Female Hebrew consecrated to God
Elysia Female Greek sweet; blissful
Elyssa Female Greek consecrated to God
Elzeario Male Hebrew God has helped
Ema Female German flatterer
Eman Female Arabic believer
Emani Female Arabic Iman; believer
Emanuelle Female Hebrew God is with us
Ember Female French amber
Eme Female Mayan joy
Emelia Female Latin hard working
Emelinda Female Teutonic Emily; flatterer
Emeline Female French flatterer
Emerita Female Latin will be rewarded
Emery Male German industrious leader
Emese Female American flatterer; industrious
Emet Male Hebrew truth
Emeta Female Hebrew truth
Emetaly Female Mayan joy
Emeterio Male Greek deserves affection
Emigdio Male Greek brown-skinned
Emil Male German flatterer; industrious
Emile Male French flatterer
Emilia Female Italian flatterer
Emilio Male Spanish friendly, industrious
Emin Male Turkish safety
Emir Male Arabic chief, commander
Emiyo Male Japanese blessed generation
Emlyn Male Welsh waterfall
Emmalee Female American flatterer; industrious
Emmaline Female French flatterer
Emmanuel Male Hebrew God is with us
Emmeline Female French flatterer; industrious
Emmelline Female Estonian wonderful woman
Emmett Male German industrious; strong
Emmie Female German flatterer
Emmitt Male German industrious; strong
Emona Female Cheyenne new moon
Emonah Female Cheyenne new moon
Emory Male German industrious leader
Emperatriz Female Latin empress
Emrick Male German industrious leader
Emry Male Welsh honorable
Ena Male Swedish unity
Enan Male Welsh hammer
Enat Female Irish battle
Enchanta Female English enchanting
Enda Male Irish bird; freedom of spirit
Endana Female Kikuyu love unconditionally
Endora Female Hebrew fountain
Eneas Male Greek praised
Enedina Female Greek warm; indulgent
Eneida Female Spanish praise
Engela Female Greek heavenly messenger
Engelbert Male German bright as an angel
Engelica Female Greek heavenly messenger
Engracia Female Spanish graceful
Enian Male Greek deep meaning
Enid Female Welsh life; spirit
Enimia Female Greek well-dressed
Enna Female Irish light bringer
Ennis Male Greek mine
Enoch Male Hebrew dedicated, consecrated
Enos Male Hebrew man
Enrica Female Spanish ruler of the household
Enricua Female Spanish ruler
Enrikos Male Greek ruler of the household
Envi Female English envy
Enya Female Scottish jewel; blazing
Enye Female Hebrew grace
Enyonyam Female Ewe she is good for me
Eoghan Male Irish born to nobility
Eoin Male Welsh young warrior
Eola Female American dawn; violet-colored
Eosa Female Greek dawn
Eostre Female English a pagan goddess
Ephraim Male Hebrew fruitful
Epicuro Male Greek he who helps
Epifanio Male Greek he who shines brightly
Epona Female Greek goddess of horses
Eppie Female English in good repute
Eraclio Male Greek glorious gift
Erán Male Hebrew vigilant
Erana Female Estonian bright one
Eranna Female Greek lovely girl
Erasma Female Greek lovable
Erasmus Male Greek lovable
Erastus Male Greek beloved
Erato Male Greek kind, pleasant
Erbert Male German glorious soldier
Erden Male German of the Earth
Erea Female Galician Irene; peaceful
Erela Female Hebrew angel
Erelis Female Lithuanian eagle
Eremita Female Spanish desert
Eren Female Dutch honor
Erendira Female Spanish one with a smile
Eres Female Welsh beautiful
Erhard Male German strong; resolute
Eric Male German ruler of all
Erica Female Scand. ruler of all; brave ruler
Erickson Male English son of Eric
Erimene Female Greek mighty one
Erin Female Irish peace; name for Ireland
Erisha Female Sanskrit speech
Erland Male English estate of a nobleman
Erline Female Irish pledge
Erling Male English son of a nobleman
Erma Female Latin noble warrior
Ermano Male Spanish noble soldier
Ermene Male Greek mighty one
Ermengarda Female German where strength dwells
Ermengardis Female German strong garden
Ermenilda Female German powerful warrior
Ermine Female Latin noble warrior
Ermino Male Spanish government of strength
Ermitana Female Greek sparsely populated
Erna Female English earnest; sincere
Ernest Male English earnest, sincere
Ernesta Female Spanish serious
Ernesto Male Spanish serious
Ernst Male German earnest and sincere
Erom Male Greek love
Eromen Male Greek love
Eromena Female Greek little love; darling
Erón Male Spanish enlightened
Eros Male Greek god of love
Erosina Female Greek erotic lady
Erreka Female Basque stream of water
Erretten Male German salvation
Erse Male Greek morning dew
Erskine Male Scottish high cliff
Erthe Male English earth
Erundina Female Latin little bird; swallow
Ervin Male English sea friend
Ervine Male English Irving; handsome
Ervino Male German consistent with honors
Erwan Male English a form Irving
Erwina Female English sea friend
Esau Male Hebrew rough; hairy
Escama Female Spanish merciful
Esdras Male Hebrew helper, strong
Eselyn Female American hazelnut
Esettia Female American biblical queen
Eshana Female Sanskrit the seeker; to search
Eshima Female Japanese true blessed intention
Eshkol Male Hebrew grape clusters
Esi Female Fante born on Sunday
Esmé Female French bright green gemstone
Esmeralda Female Greek bright green gemstone
Esmond Male English rich protector
Esopo Male Greek brings good luck
Especial Female Spanish special one
Esperanza Female Spanish hope
Espiridión Male Greek breadbasket
Essence Female English life; essence
Essie Female English Estelle; Esther
Esteban Male Spanish crowned with laurels
Estella Female French star
Estelle Female French star
Estephanie Female Spanish crowned with laurels
Esterina Female Greek strong and vital
Estévan Male Spanish crowned with laurels
Estibalitz Female Basque sweet as honey
Estrada Female Latin road
Estraton Male Greek man of the army
Estrella Female French star
Etalon Male French stallion
Etan Male Hebrew strong; firm
Etapali Female Nahuatl wing
Etel Male German noble
Etelburga Female German noble protector
Etelreda Female German noble advisor
Etelvina Female German loyal and noble friend
Eteria Female Greek pure air
Eterio Male Greek pure as heaven
Eteva Female Finnish skillful; advanced
Ethan Male Hebrew strong of purpose
Ethana Female Hebrew strong; firm
Ethel Female English noble
Etienne Female French crowned with laurels
Étienne Male French Stephen; crowned
Etiennette Female French crown; garland
Etilka Female Hebrew noble
Etta Female German little
Euan Male Scottish born to nobility
Eubulo Male Greek good counselor
Eucario Male Greek gracious, generous
Eucarpo Male Greek he who bears good fruit
Euclea Female Greek fair glory
Euclid Male Greek intelligent
Euda Female German childhood
Euden Male Greek fine tree
Eudendro Male Greek forest of many fine trees
Eudocia Female Greek famous; knowledgeable
Eudora Female Greek goodly gift; honored gift
Eudoro Male Greek beautiful gift
Eudoxio Male Greek he who is famous
Eudran Male Greek agility & health
Eudrania Female Greek strength and health
Eufemio Male Greek has a good reputation
Eufrasia Female Greek she who is full of joy
Eufronio Male Greek has a good mind
Eufrosina Female Greek joyful thought
Eugen Male German born to nobility
Eugena Female Greek nobility
Eugene Male Greek born to nobility
Eugenie Female Greek nobility
Eujanie Female Greek well-born
Eula Female American fair speech
Eulalio Male Greek good speaker
Eulampia Female Greek brilliant
Eulogia Female Greek well-spoken
Eulogio Male Greek speaks well
Eumelia Female Spanish fair singer
Eumenio Male Greek favorable, opportune
Eun Female Korean silver
Eunice Female Greek happy; victorious
Eunike Male Greek splendid victory
Euno Male Greek intellect
Eunomia Female Greek good order
Euphemia Female Greek in good repute
Eupilo Male Greek warmly welcomed
Euporia Female Greek beautiful voice
Euprenio Male Greek decent; comfortable
Euquerio Male Greek sure handed
Eurico Male German celebrated prince
Eurlyne Female American noblewoman
Eurosia Female Greek eloquent
Eurybe Female Greek Amazon warriors
Eusebia Female Greek respectful; pious
Eusebio Male Greek with good feelings
Eustace Male Greek productive
Eustacia Female Greek productive; stable
Eustacio Male Greek healthy and strong
Eustaquia Female Greek well-built
Eustoquia Female Greek good mother
Eustorgio Male Greek well loved
Eustrato Male Greek good soldier
Eutalia Female Greek abundant
Euterpe Female Greek walks with grace
Eutiquia Female Greek she who entertains
Eutropia Female Greek good character
Euxenia Female Greek good family name
Euxenio Male Greek born into nobility
Evadne Female Greek well-pleasing
Evae Female Ewe a tribal name
Evaine Female American youthful champion
Evan Male Irish young warrior
Evander Male Greek good man
Evandra Female Greek powerful woman
Evangelina Female Greek bearer of good news
Evangelino Male Greek brings glad tidings
Evangelos Male Greek manly & strong
Evania Female Greek young warrior
Evanthe Female Greek flower
Evarado Male Spanish hardy; brave
Evaristo Male Greek the excellent one
Eve Female Hebrew life
Evelia Female Hebrew life
Evelin Female English hazelnut
Evelina Female English hazelnut
Evelio Male Hebrew he who gives life
Evelyn Male English hazelnut
Ever Male English boar
Everardo Male German strong as a boar
Everett Male English courageous as a boar
Everilda Female German courageous as a boar
Evette Female French young archer
Evita Female Spanish life; alive
Evline Female English hazelnut
Evodia Female Greek well-wisher
Evodio Male Greek follows a good road
Ewald Male German always powerful
Ewan Male Scottish born to nobility
Ewert Male English ewe herder
Ewing Male English friend of the law
Eya Female Yoruba a word for tribe
Eyota Female Nat. Amer. great
Eytan Male Hebrew strong; firm
Ezekiel Male Hebrew strength of God
Ezer Male Hebrew helper, strong
Ezewa Female Ibo goodly woman
Ezina Female Arabic to beautify
Ezra Male Hebrew helper; strong
Ezrah Male Hebrew helpful one

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