Rabu, 31 Agustus 2016



Best collection of names that start with S. If like, you can use as the reference name.

Saba Female Arabic morning
Sabastien Male French venerable, revered
Sabatino Male Latin festive day
Sabelia Female Spanish ancient tribe in Italy
Sabio Male Portuguese wise man
Sabiya Female Arabic morning; eastern wind
Sable Female English sable; sleek
Sabra Female Hebrew thorny cactus fruit
Sabria Female Spanish one with knowledge
Sabrina Male Latin boundary line
Sabrine Female English princess
Saburo Male Japanese third-born son
Sacha Male Russian defender of mankind
Sachar Male Russian God remembered
Sachetan Male Italian animated
Sachio Male Japanese happy child
Sachiva Female Sanskrit friend; companion
Sada Female Japanese chaste
Sadao Male Japanese decisive man
Sadara Female Sanskrit considerate one
Sadhaniya Female Sanskrit purity woman
Sadia Female Arabic lucky, fortunate
Sadika Female Arabic truthful; faithful
Sadiki Male Kiswahili faithful
Sadler Male English saddle maker
Sadoc Male Hebrew sacred
Safari Male Kiswahili born while on a trip
Safford Male English willow river crossing
Saffron Female English purple & white flowers
Safia Female Swahili clean; pure
Safiri Male Swahili a journey
Sage Male English wise; a cooking herb
Sagesse Female French wisdom
Sagrario Female Spanish tabernacle
Sahana Female Sanskrit strength; power
Sahul Male Hebrew requested
Sajjana Female Hindi a good person
Saka Male Swahili hunter
Sakeena Female Arabic peaceful, quiet one
Sal Male Italian savior
Sala Female Hindi sala tree
Salama Female Arabic peaceful
Salene Male Swahili good
Saliha Female Arabic virtuous; correct
Salima Female Sanskrit good shape; valid
Salisbury Male English fort at the willow pool
Salome Male Hebrew complete; perfect
Salona Female American parlor; gallery
Salton Male English manor town; willow town
Salud Female Spanish healthy
Salustio Male Latin offers salvation
Salutiano Male German enjoys good health
Salvia Female Spanish healthy; saved
Salvio Male Latin cured, healthy
Sam Male Hebrew heard the call of God
Samarah Female Latin elm-tree seed
Samaya Female Sanskrit sacred pledge
Sami Female Arabic praised
Samiya Female Arabic exalted
Sammie Female Hebrew listener
Samone Female Hebrew she heard
Sampson Male Hebrew like the sun
Samuel Male Hebrew heard God
Samuru Male Japanese his name is God
Sanborn Male English sandy brook
Sanchez Male Latin sanctified; sincere
Sancia Female Spanish holy; sacred
Sandeep Male Punjabi enlightened
Sanders Male English son of Sander
Sandia Female Spanish watermelon
Sanford Male English sandy river crossing
Sang Male Korean always
Saniyya Female Arabic radiant; brilliant
Sanjati Male Serbian dream
Sanne Female Hebrew lily
Santana Female Spanish saint
Santo Male Italian holy
Santon Male English sandy town
Sanuye Female Moquel. red clouds at sunset
Sapata Female Nat. Amer. dancing bear
Sapphire Female English the sapphire gemstone
Sarafina Female Hebrew burning, ardent
Sarah Male Hebrew royal child
Sarani Female American joy
Sarauniya Female Hausa queen; royalty
Sardion Male Greek carnelian stone
Saree Female Arabic noble; distinguished
Sargent Male Latin server; attendant
Sarika Female Hindi a thrush; a kind of bird
Sarita Female Sanskrit river
Sarojanetra Female Sanskrit lotus eyes
Saronna Female American Sara + Ronda
Sasi Male Hebrew Sasson; joy
Sasona Female Hebrew bliss; joy
Sasson Male Hebrew joyful
Satchel Male French small bag
Satin Female French smooth; shiny
Sato Female Japanese sugar
Satoshi Male Japanese quick-witted; wise
Saturia Female Latin she who has it all
Saul Male Hebrew asked for; borrowed
Sava Female Serbian owl
Savana Female Spanish treeless plain
Savannah Female Spanish a treeless plain
Saverio Male Italian owner of a new house
Saville Male French willow town
Savine Male Latin juniper plant
Sax Male English swordsman
Saxton Male English Saxon town
Sayen Female Mapuche sweet woman
Sayer Male Welsh carpenter
Scanlon Male Irish little trapper
Schafer Male German shepherd
Schmidt Male German blacksmith
Schneider Male German tailor
Schon Male German handsome
Schuman Male German shoemaker
Scoey Male French Scott's town
Scorpio Male Latin dangerous, deadly
Scott Male English from Scotland
Scout Female French scout
Scribe Male Latin keeper of accounts
Scully Male Irish town crier
Seabert Male English shining sea
Seabrook Male English brook near the sea
Seaira Female Irish velvety black
Séamas Male Irish supplanter
Seamus Male Irish version of James
Sean Male Irish God gracious gift
Seanan Male Irish wise
Searle Male English armor
Searles Male Irish farmer
Seasar Male Latin long haired ruler
Seaton Male English town near the sea
Sebastian Male Greek venerable; revered
Secret Female Latin secretive; unrevealed
Secundina Female Latin second daughter
Secundino Male Latin second in order
Secundus Male Latin second-born son
Sedgely Male English sword meadow
Sedgwick Male English sword grass
Sedric Male Irish battle chieftain
Seeley Male English blessed
Seelia Female English blind
Sefonías Male Hebrew God protects
Sefora Female Hebrew like a small bird
Sefton Male English village of rushes
Sefu Male Swahili sword
Segada Male Gaelic admirable
Seger Male English sea spear; sea warrior
Segismundo Male German victorious protector
Seibert Male English bright sea
Seiichi Male Japanese correct; first-born son
Sekaye Male Shona laughter
Seki Female Japanese wonderful
Sekou Male Guinean learned
Sela Female English moon
Selby Male English village by the mansion
Seldon Male English willow tree valley
Selemias Male Hebrew God rewards
Selenia Female Greek in the moonlight
Selesio Male Latin select
Seletha Female American moon, moonlight
Selwyn Male English friend from the palace
Semarias Male Hebrew God guarded him
Semele Female Latin once
Semon Male Greek God has heard us
Sempa Female Turkish mind; the knower
Sempronia Female Spanish eternal
Sen Male Japanese wood fairy
Seneca Male Latin an honorable elder
Senia Female Greek hospitable
Senichi Male Japanese first-born son of Sen 
Senior Male French lord
Sennett Male French elderly
Senona Female Spanish lively
Sephira Female Spanish wise one
Sepp Male German God will add
Septimo Male Latin seventh son
Septimus Male Latin seventh in order
Sequoya Female Cherokee giant redwood tree
Serafin Male Hebrew fiery, burning
Sereno Male Latin calm, tranquil
Serenus Male Latin clarity; brightness
Seretha Female American calm and peaceful
Serge Male Latin attendant
Serrana Female Spanish mountain girl
Servanda Female Latin saved and protected
Sesapa Female Sioux black hills
Seth Male Hebrew appointed
Severa Female Spanish severe
Sevilla Female Spanish from Seville, Spain
Seward Male English sea guardian
Sewell Male English sea wall
Seymour Male French prayer
Shaan Male Hebrew God is gracious
Shaba Female Spanish rose
Shad Male Punjabi happy-go-lucky
Shade Male English shady, cool place
Shadow Male English shadowy; stealth
Shadwell Male English shed by a well
Shae Male Hebrew courteous
Shae-Lynn Female Irish fairy palace
Shaena Female Irish beautiful
Shahar Female Arabic moonlit
Shaianne Female Cheyenne a tribal Cheyenne
Shaka Male Zulu founder, first
Shakayla Female Arabic pretty
Shakeria Female Arabic thankful
Shakira Female Arabic thankful one
Shala Female American small mountain
Shaleen Female Hindi calm; peaceful girl
Shalene Female Irish fairy place
Shalom Male Hebrew peace
Shalviya Female Hebrew the peace of God
Shama Female Hindi candle; flame
Shamar Male Hebrew precious stone
Shamon Male Japanese Buddhist monk
Shamu Male Shona patience
Shamwa Female Shona friend
Shanahan Male Irish wise, clever
Shandelle Female French candle
Shandra Female American short-tempered
Shandy Male English rambunctious
Shanelle Female American irrigation trench
Shani Male Swahili marvelous
Shanley Male Irish small; ancient
Shannon Male Irish small and wise
Shanny Female Swahili marvelous, wonderful
Shant Male French singer
Shantal Female American song
Shantille Female American fine lace
Sharda Female Punjabi honored by royalty
Sharee Female American beloved, dearest
Shareef Male Arabic honest & noble
Sharen Female English desert plain
Sharice Female French dearly held, precious
Sharifa Female Arabic noble
Sharla Female French little and strong
Sharmila Female Hindi happy; modest
Sharrell Female American beloved
Sharron Male Hebrew flat area, plain
Sharyn Female American a flat area
Shattuck Male English little shad fish
Shavar Male Hebrew comet
Shaw Male English grove
Sheba Male Hebrew promise
Sheehan Male Irish little; peaceful
Sheela Female Hindi kind
Sheffield Male English crooked field
Shel Male English ledge estate
Sheldon Male English farm on the ledge
Shelomó Male Hebrew of peace
Shelton Male English town on a ledge
Shem Male Hebrew name; reputation
Shenden Female Tibetan to benefit others
Shepley Male English sheep's meadow
Sherborn Male English clear brook
Sheridan Male Irish wild
Sherill Male English shire on a hill
Sherley Female English bright meadow
Sherlock Male English light haired
Sherman Male English resident of a shire
Sherrod Male English clearer of the land
Sherwood Male English bright forest
Shian Female Cheyenne a tribal name
Shig Male Japanese names with Shig-
Shigeo Male Japanese luxuriant man
Shigeru Male Japanese excellent; luxuriant
Shik Male Korean planting
Shilin Female Gaelic cherry
Shilo Male Hebrew God's gift
Shima Male Japanese an island dweller 
Shimuel Male Hebrew the listener
Shin Male Korean belief
Shinichi Male Japanese first son of Shin 
Shinji Male Japanese faithful second-born son
Shipton Male English sheep village; ship village
Shira Female Hebrew the singer
Shiro Male Japanese fourth-born son
Shivani Female Hindi life and death
Shoichi Male Japanese prosperous first-born son
Shoji Male Japanese shining second-born son
Shola Female Yoruba one who is blessed
Shoma Male Japanese reaching for the truth
Shomari Male Swahili forceful
Shomer Male Hebrew protector
Shoni Male Hebrew changing
Shori Male Japanese triumph
Shoshana Female Hebrew a beautiful flower
Shug Female American sweet and lovely
Shuichi Male Japanese governing first-born son
Shuma Male Japanese excellent wisdom
Shunichi Male Japanese first-born son of Shun
Shyla Female Hindi the goddess Parvati
Si Male Hebrew forest dweller
Sia Female Swedish prophesy
Sibilina Female Greek prophet
Sibley Female English sibling; friendly
Sid Male French from Saint-Denis, France
Siddel Male English wide valley
Siddhra Female Sanskrit perfection
Sidnie Female French Saint-Denis, France
Sidra Female Latin like a star shining bright
Sidro Male Serbian anchor; stability
Sidwell Male English wide stream
Siegfried Male German victorious peace
Sienna Female American reddish brown in color
Sierra Male Irish black; saw-toothed
Sieva Female Finnish pretty one
Siglinda Female German protective victory
Sigolena Female Scand. gentle victory
Sigwald Male German victorious leader
Silver Female English a precious metal
Simba Male Kiswahili lion; a strong person
Simms Male Hebrew son of Simon
Simon Male Hebrew the Lord has heard us
Simona Female Spanish she heard God
Sina Male German prince; sparkling
Sindy Female American Cindy; moon
Sinesio Male Greek the intelligent one
Sin'ichi Male Japanese faithful first-born son
Sinjin Male English saint, holy man
Sion Male Hebrew highest point
Sir Male English sir, sire
Sira Female Latin comes from Syria
Sirena Female Spanish mermaid; siren
Siri Female Scand. victorious counselor
Sirio Male Latin from Syria
Sirviente Male Latin God's servant
Siseal Male Irish blind; gray eyes
Siwatu Male Swahili born during conflict
Siwazuri Male Swahili not nice people
Sixto Male Greek the courteous one
Skeeter Male English swift
Skelly Male Irish storyteller
Skerry Male Scand. stony island
Skip Male Scand. shipmaster
Skipton Male English ship town
Sky Female American the sky
Skyy Female Arabic water giver
Slade Male English child of the valley
Slater Male English roof slater
Slava Male Russian crowned with laurels
Slevin Male Irish mountaineer
Sloan Male Irish warrior
Smedley Male English flat meadow
Snowden Male English snowy hill
So Male Korean smile
Socrates Male Greek wise, learned
Sofanor Male Greek the wise man
Sofocles Male Greek famous for his wisdom
Sofronio Male Greek prudent; healthy in spirit
Sojiro Male Japanese wise boy
Solange Female French solitary; alone
Solano Male Latin like the eastern wind
Solaris Male Latin the light
Soledada Female Spanish solitary
Soleil Female French the sun
Somendra Female Hindi the goddess Indra
Somer Male French born in summer
Somerton Male English summer town
Somerville Male English summer village
Sommer Female English summertime
Sona Female Gaelic lucky one
Sonali Female Hindi golden
Sonas Male Gaelic happiness; bliss
Sonny Male English dear little boy
Sonste Male Russian sun
Sopatra Female Greek father's savior
Sophron Male Greek one of great wisdom
Sorley Male Scand. summer traveler
Sorrel Male French reddish brown
Sorya Female Spanish she who is eloquent
Sotali Female Wolof accomplishment
Southwell Male English south well
Spalding Male English divided field
Spangler Male German tinsmith
Spark Male English happy; perky
Spear Male English spear carrier
Speedy Male English quick; successful
Speire Male Gaelic sky
Spence Male English dispenser of provisions
Spike Male English ear of grain; long nail
Spiridone Male Italian round basket
Spoor Male English spur maker
Spreckley Male English twigs
Springsteen Male English stream by the rocks
Sproule Male English energetic
Spurgeon Male English shrub
Squire Male English knight's assistant
Stacey Male English productive, stable
Stacia Female English resurrection
Stafford Male English riverbank landing
Stan Male Latin stony meadow
Stanbury Male English stone fortification
Stancil Male English beam
Stancliff Male English stony cliff
Standish Male English stony parkland
Stanfield Male English rocky ford
Stanislaus Male Latin stand of glory
Stanmore Male English stony lake
Stannard Male English hard as stone
Stanton Male English stony farm
Stanway Male English stony road
Stanwick Male English stony village
Stanwood Male English stony woods
Starbuck Male English challenger of fate
Stark Male German strong, vigorous
Starla Female English star; shining brightly
Starleen Female English Star; star
Starley Female English star
Starling Male English bird
Stavros Male Greek crowned
Steadman Male English owner of a farmstead
Steel Male English like steel
Steele Male English Steel; like steel
Steen Male German stone
Stephenson Male English son of Stephen
Sterlin Male English valuable; silver penny
Sterne Male English austere
Stevens Male English son of Steven
Stewart Male English caretaker, steward
Stig Male Swedish mount
Stiggur Male Gypsy gate
Stillman Male English quiet
Stina Female German follower of Christ
Sting Male English spike of grain
Stockard Female English stockyard
Stockley Male English tree-stump meadow
Stockman Male English tree-stump remover
Stockton Male English tree-stump town
Stockwell Male English tree-stump well
Stoddard Male English horse keeper
Stoker Male English furnace tender
Storm Male English tempest, storm
Stovan Male Serbian respected
Stover Male English stove tender
Stowe Male English hidden; packed away
Strahan Male Irish minstrel
Stratford Male English bridge over the river
Stratton Male Scottish river valley town
Strephon Male Greek turns
Strom Male German stream
Strong Male English powerful; strong man
Stroud Male English thicket
Struthers Male Irish brook
Styles Male English stairs put over a wall
Sudeena Female Hindi good, kindness, mercy
Sudi Male Swahili lucky
Suffield Male English southern field
Sugar Female American sweet as sugar
Sugden Male English valley of sows
Sujan Female Hindi wise; learned
Sukhdeep Female Sikh light of peace and bliss
Sulia Female Latin youthful
Sullivan Female Irish black-eyed
Sully Male French stain, tarnish
Sultan Male Swahili ruler
Sulwen Female Welsh bright as the sun
Sumarville Male French from vacation town
Sumaya Female American Sue + Maya
Sumeet Male English peak, top
Sumiko Female Japanese bright mind; smart girl
Sumner Male English church officer
Sundari Female Hindi beauty
Suneeta Female Hindi well-mannered woman
Suni Female Zuni member of our tribe
Sunrita Female Sanskrit true; kind; loyal
Sunshine Female English sunshine
Susana Female Hebrew lily or rose flower
Susumu Male Japanese progressing
Sutcliff Male English southern cliff
Sutherland Male Scand. southern land
Sutton Male English southern town
Suvet Female Finnish summer spirit
Suwan Female Mandarin purity
Sven Male Scand. youth
Swaley Male English winding stream
Swannee Male English swan
Sweeney Male Irish small hero
Swinbourne Male English stream used by swine
Swindel Male English valley of the swine
Swinfen Male English swine's mud
Swinford Male English swine's crossing
Swinton Male English swine town
Swithbert Male English strong and bright
Swithin Male German strong
Sylvan Male Latin forest
Sylvester Male Latin woody; from the forest
Syndy Female American Cindy; light

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